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Re: [Fsfe-france] EUPL: Projet de licence copyleft européenne...

From: Frederic Couchet
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-france] EUPL: Projet de licence copyleft européenne...
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 13:35:51 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090024 (Oort Gnus v0.24) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "David" == David GLAUDE <address@hidden> writes:

    David> Par contre je trouve que c'est le boulot de la FSFF ou FSFE
    David> ou FSF que de répondre aux critiques et produire un
    David> document d'analyse.

Comme pour la CeCILL V2 la FSF est prête à collaborer avec la
commission (on établit actuellement une liste de points à
corriger). Mais encore une fois pour la V1 ils ont préféré faire ça
tous seuls comme des grands :)

Notons que dans un document de la commission il est indiqué :

« 6.1.4 European OSS Licence ­ influence definition of GPLv3.

Legal concepts in GPL and OSS licenses belong to the USA. There is a
need to provide licenses that are compliant with the EU legal
context. It is difficult to mix OSS with proprietary software, and
even different OSS licenses. It might be better to have 3 to 5
licences recognised by the complete OSS Community. FSF is working to
define a GPLv3 license and is willing to work with the Commission. It
could be good to work with them on that. We don't need new
licenses. It is better to have world-wide licenses, rather than
Europe-only ones. However the FSF is insisting on retaining the
copyright of GPLv3. This could be a problem for the Commission. Public
Administrations need advice and recommendations on the licenses to
use. They need clarification and clear orientations. They need legal
certainty in all that they do, if there is legal uncertainty then they
do nothing. »

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Frederic Couchet                       +33 (0) 6 60 68 89 31 

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