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[Fsfe-uk] AGM

From: Marc Eberhard
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] AGM
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 19:58:33 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 04:13:45PM +0000, Jason Clifford wrote:
> I have hired a car to go up to the Expo next month (going up evening 
> of 14th and returning evening of 16th).

... that reminds me, that I probably should mention, that we are currently
trying to sort the details for our first AGM for the AFFS. State so far is,
that we thought the 15th is a good day (especially for those staying
overnight in Birmingham for both Expo days). Thanks to Richard, we should
get a room in the NEC after the Expo closes (5pm). We thought combining both
would give more people the opportunity to attend. It looks very good so far
and we hope to finalise things soon. The official written invitations should
also go out soon (we're legally bound to send one to our members in any

The agenda looks pretty simple and standard at the moment. Only legally
necessary stuff, like reports, elections, etc. If anyone has any particular
item, we should put up, please contact MJR or post to this list.

Another (bit sad) point is, that Brian is getting involved in a new large
scale Free Software project and will not have much time anymore for the
foreseeable future. This means, we will have to go on a hunt for at least one
new volunteer... you have been warned!

I think, our constitution says, that members failing to turn up for the AGM
are automatically volunteering to be elected... :-)))

More details soon!


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