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[Gallium-dev] anyone

From: Bella Osborne
Subject: [Gallium-dev] anyone
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 20:23:34 +0900
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

These will contain links to those entries from the past year that I am most proud of, organized by subject.
""Well, now you have something to blog.
Since then things have changed. Update: Best of: The Columbia Disaster links to posts where I analyze the data from the breakup of the shuttle and get the right answer months before the official findings.
These will contain links to those entries from the past year that I am most proud of, organized by subject.
This is something I have spent a lot of time thinking about myself, albeit in a somewhat larger context.
This is something I have spent a lot of time thinking about myself, albeit in a somewhat larger context. Or do I talk about the mix of feelings that swept through me as I watched that bright arrow slip through the Seattle skyline as it came in for what may well be its last landing?
And I could tell you, except Mark Pilgrim does a better job of answering the question 'What is RSS?
Quick glance, select the number, press 'Call'. He has pointers to lots of good Windows Python tools. But this rings false to me on a number of levels, not the least of which is the fact that not everyone is talented enough to participate in such an ecomomy. Do I talk about how this particular Concorde was on its final flight because British Airways had given it as a permanent loan to Seattle's Museum of Flight?
journal as more of a weblog than a personal diary. However NASA did release some telemetry information gathered right before the shuttle breakup.
So the complaint remains, but I feel less strongly about it. This is something I have spent a lot of time thinking about myself, albeit in a somewhat larger context. The joy of being in the exactly right place at exactly the right time to get that amazing view? And wondering which will have the worst immediate result.
Since then things have changed. For another Corey Doctorow published 'Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom', an SF novel about a post-scarcity future with a working reputation economy where reputation is measured in 'Whuffie'.
However being right did not make me feel good.
And it didn't even lead to fifteen minutes of fame for me.
Are they going to add other 'A-List' or 'name writer' bloggers? I don't know what to say. Please click through to a good color chooser and pick something a bit more legible.
So the complaint remains, but I feel less strongly about it.
But then again, maybe not.
These will contain links to those entries from the past year that I am most proud of, organized by subject.
They rejected a story on nanotechnology, but accepted one on talking shopping carts? Hoagland NASA may have accidently set off a nuclear explosion on Jupiter when they sent the Galileo probe plummeting into its depths.
However Hoagland's tendancy towards conspiracy theories makes him an unreliable source.
So, for me, this journal has been a sort of backup memory.
One that I am sharing with you.
However groups of them did have machinery which could turn any vegetation into edible food so they didn't have to starve.
for giving me this venue and for the opportunity to connect to people like yourself. Pay off bills with a home refinance loan from Countrywide home loans. They rejected a story on nanotechnology, but accepted one on talking shopping carts?

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