[language] English [language-code] en [language-tr] Language [hp] HP [heal] Health [armor] Armour [damage] Damage [food] Food [working] Working [inside] Inside [ressources] Resources [Wood] Wood [Corn] Wheat [Papyrus] Papyrus [Stone] Stone [Alga] Algae [Cherry] Cherry [Orange] Orange [Prune] Prune [Clearing:] Clearing: [Min required level:] Minimum required level: [Bullets] Bullets [range] Range [destroy] Destroy [cancel destroy] Cancel destroy [wait destroy] Awaiting destruction [upgrade] Upgrade [repair] Repair [cancel upgrade] Cancel upgrade [cancel repair] Cancel repair [units type] unit type [workers] workers [explorers] explorers [warriors] warriors [Unit type] Unit type [Worker] Worker [Explorer] Explorer [Warrior] Warrior [still (w)] Still [units working] units working [still one unit working] One unit still working [Still (i)] Still [Still one] Still one [Building name] Building name [swarm building] Swarm [food building] Inn [health building] Hospital [walkspeed building] Racetrack [swimspeed building] Swimming pool [attack building] Barracks [science building] School [defense building] Defense Tower [exploration flag] Exploration flag [war flag] War flag [clearing flag] Clearing flag [stone wall] Stone wall [market] Market [forbidden area] Forbidden area [guard area] Guard area [clear area] Clearing area [Building short explanation] Building short explanation (24 chars max) [swarm building explanation] Creates new units [food building explanation] Foods your units [health building explanation] Heals your units [walkspeed building explanation] Improves the walking [swimspeed building explanation] Improves the swimming [attack building explanation] Improves the fighting [science building explanation] Improves the building [defense building explanation] Attacks nearby enemy [exploration flag explanation] Attracts explorers [war flag explanation] Attracts warriors [clearing flag explanation] Clears resources [stone wall explanation] Passive defense [market explanation] Allows the exchange of [Building short explanation 2] Building short explanation 2 (24 chars max) [swarm building explanation 2] [food building explanation 2] [health building explanation 2] [walkspeed building explanation 2] speed of your units [swimspeed building explanation 2] speed of your units [attack building explanation 2] level of your warriors [science building explanation 2] level of your workers [defense building explanation 2] units or buildings [exploration flag explanation 2] [war flag explanation 2] [clearing flag explanation 2] [stone wall explanation 2] element [market explanation 2] fruits with others [waiting for %s] Waiting for %s [%s has left the game] %s has quit the game. [%s has been deconnected of the game] %s has been disconnected. [load game] Load game [save game] Save game [options] Options [alliances] Alliances [return to game] Return to game [quit the game] Quit the game [ok] Ok [Cancel] Cancel [you have lost] You have lost! [you have won] You have won! [campaign] Campaign [tutorial] Tutorial [custom game] Custom game [yog] Ysagoon Online Gaming [Enter your nickname :] Enter your nickname: [Enter your password :] Enter your password: [lan] LAN Game [settings] Settings [Warning, you need to reboot the game for changes to take effect] Warning, you need to restart the game for changes to take effect [editor] Editor [credits] Credits [quit] Quit [create game] Create game [update list] Update list [connecting to] Connecting to [connect] Connect [Disconnect] Disconnect [please wait] Please wait [loading glob2] Loading Globulation 2 [host] Host a game [join a game] Join a game [join] Join [goto main menu] Go back to main menu [player name] Player name [svr hostname] Server hostname [hp] Hitpoint [carry] Carrying: [don't carry anything] Not carrying anything [level] Level [levels] Levels [building site] construction site [create map] Create map [map size x] Map width [map size y] Map height [default terrain] Default terrain [water] Water [sand] Sand [grass] Grass [teams] teams [choose map] Choose a map [choose game] Choose a game [awaiting players] Awaiting players [stat] Statistics [food left] Food left [the building is finished] The building is finished [the swarm is finished] The swarm is finished [the food building is finished] The Inn is finished [the health building is finished] The hospital is finished [the walkspeed building is finished] The racetrack is finished [the swimspeed building is finished] The swimming pool is finished [the attack building is finished] The training camp is finished [the science building is finished] The school is finished [the tower building is finished] The defense tower is finished [the exploration flag is finished] ?? Exploration flag finished ?? [the war flag is finished] ?? War flag finished ?? [the clearing flag is finished] ?? Clearing flag finished ?? [the stone wall is finished] A wall section is finished [the market is finished] The market is finished [the building is under attack] The building is under attack [the swarm is under attack] The swarm is under attack [the food building is under attack] The Inn is under attack [the health building is under attack] The hospital is under attack [the walkspeed building is under attack] The racetrack is under attack [the swimspeed building is under attack] The swimming pool is under attack [the attack building is under attack] The training camp is under attack [the science building is under attack] The school is under attack [the defense building is under attack] Your defenses are under attack [the exploration flag is under attack] ?? Exploration flag under attack ?? [the war flag is under attack] ?? War flag under attack ?? [the clearing flag is under attack] ?? Clearing flag under attack ?? [the stone wall is under attack] The enemy is at your walls [the market is under attack] The market is under attack [Your %s are under attack] Your %s are under attack [Your unit got converted to %s's team] Your unit got converted to %s's team [%s's team unit got converted to your team] %s's team unit got converted to your team [Uncontrolled] Uncontrolled [ai] AI [closed] Closed [close] Close [player] Player [STARTING GAME ...] Starting game... [Statistics] Statistics [Buildings] Buildings [Prestige] Prestige [Units] Units [Attack] Attack [Defense] Defense [free] free [of which] there are [are ok] ok [are hungry] hungry [are dying hungry] starving [are wonded] wounded [and] and [seeking a job] looking for a job [Walk] Walk [Swim] Swim [Build] Build [Harvest] Harvest [At. speed] Att. speed [At. strength] Att. strength [Magic At. Air] Air dmg. [Magic At. Ground] Ground dmg. [Total] Total [free] free [seeking] seeking [Free] Ok [hungry] hungry [starving] starving [wounded] wounded [In way] On the way [On the spot] Here [Version] Version [open] open [Add AI] Add AI [AI] AI [AINone] AINone [AINumbi] AINumbi [AICastor] AICastor [AINicowar] Nicowar (unstable) [AIToubib] AIToubib [AIWarrush] AIWarrush [the games] Games [the maps] Maps [was] was [was AI] was AI [state] state [Start] Start [not ready] not ready [has joined] has joined [has quit] has quit [yog-chat] #yog-en [speed] Speed [current speed] Current speed [attack speed] Attack speed [new] New [load] Load [handmade map] Handmade map [mapGenerationDescriptor Methodes] Methodes of random generated maps [uniform terrain] Uniform terrain [random terrain] Random terrain [islands terrain] Islands [ratios] Proportions [smoothing] Smoothing [number of teams] number of teams [islands size] island size [beach size] beach size [workers] Workers [bad error in connection system] Bad error in connection system [not connected] Not connected [presence request sent] Presence request sent ... [session request sent] Session request sent ... [checksum sent] Checksum sent ... [connected to server] Connected to server [connecting to all players] Connecting to all players [connected to all players] Connected to all players [available lan games] Available local games [login] Login [from:] from: [to:] to: [away:] away: [compile] Compile script [downloaded at] Downloaded at [percent] percent [download finished] Download finished [Map name: %s] Map name: %s. [one player] A player has joined. [number of players: %d] %d players are present. [number of teams: %d] %d teams. [game full] Game full [small] small [medium] medium [large] large [network latency] Network latency [game speed] Game speed [Paused] Paused [Register a new YOG user with password] Register a new YOG user with a password. (insecure) [Remember YOG password localy] Remember the password locally. (insecure) [YESTS_BAD] Internal consistency error while connecting. [YESTS_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT] Unable to connect. Apparently the YOG metaserver is down. [YESTS_CREATED] The connection system is ready to contact the YOG metaserver for connection. [YESTS_CONNECTING] Establishing the connection to the YOG metaserver... [YESTS_DECONNECTING] Disconnecting from the YOG metaserver... [YESTS_YOG_KILLED] An administrator has just stopped the YOG metaserver. [YESTS_CONNECTION_LOST] The connection to YOG has been lost. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_TOO_OLD] The YOG metaserver has refused connection because your globulation2 client is obsolete. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_USERNAME_ALLREADY_USED] The YOG metaserver has refused the connection because your username is already used by someone else. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_BAD_PASSWORD] The YOG metaserver has refused connection because the supplied password was incorrect. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_BAD_PASSWORD_NON_ZERO] The YOG metaserver has refused connection because this username has no password yet. You probably want to register your username with this password. Therefore, activate the option "Register a new YOG user with password" before connecting. You'll need to activate this option only once. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_ALREADY_PASSWORD] The YOG metaserver has refused connection because this username has already been registered. If this username is yours, deactivate the option "Register a new YOG user with a password". [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED] The YOG metaserver has refused connection because a protocol error occured: you are already authenticated. Try again in 45 seconds. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_NOT_CONNECTED_YET] The YOG metaserver has refused the connection because an internal protocol error occured: you are not connected yet while authenticating. Please report this bug. [YESTS_CONNECTION_REFUSED_UNEXPLAINED] The YOG metaserver has refused the connection without explanation! [The player %s has left YOG] %s has left YOG. [The player %s has joined YOG] %s has joined YOG. [You are now marked as away] You are marked as away. [You are no more marked as away] You are no longer marked as away. [YOG_HELP] The YOG messaging system has two commands, "msg" and "away". Type "/help " to learn more about one of them. [YOG_HELP_AWAY] The "/away ()" command allows you to let the other YOG users know that you are temporarily away. You may add a short explanation message. For instance "/away I'm eating a hamburger and I'll be back at 1 o'clock". Alias "/a" [YOG_HELP_MSG] The "/msg " command sends a private message. For instance, "/msg John Hi John, how are you?". Alias "/m". [save before quit?] Do you want to save before quitting? [Yes] Yes [No] No [Save] Save [auto save] Auto save [Total prestige reached] Total prestige reached [Continue playing] Continue playing [Lost : your colony is dead] Lost: your colony is dead [Won : you defeated your opponents] Won: you defeated your opponents [Won : your ally %s has the most prestige] Won: your ally %s has the biggest prestige [Lost : %s has more prestige than you] Lost: %s has more prestige than you [Won : you have the most prestige] Won: you have the biggest prestige [The game has not been finished] The game has not been finished [display] Display [username] Username [fullscreen] Fullscreen [hwaccel] Hardware acceleration [dblbuff] Double buffering [lowquality] Low quality [audio] Audio [Music volume] Volume (music) [Happyness] Happiness [customcur] Custom cursor [choose campaign] Choose a campaign [nick taken] We are very sorry but the name you chose is already taken on freenode, you will only be able to talk through YOG [mute] mute [abreaviation explanation A] A: Allies [abreaviation explanation V] V: Show vision for all buildings [abreaviation explanation Vf] Vf: Show vision for Inn buildings (to steal units) [abreaviation explanation mV] mV: Show vision for Markets buildings (to exchange fruits) [abreaviation explanation C] C: Send chat messages to [shortcut explanation enter] Enter: send a chat message [shortcut explanation v] V: hold to speak [Delete game] Delete the selected game [any explorer] any explorer [ground attack] ground attack