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[glob2-devel] SDL_ATSUI for internationalization

From: Dave Vasilevsky
Subject: [glob2-devel] SDL_ATSUI for internationalization
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 02:42:25 -0400

Hi folks,

I've played around a bit, and I've come up with a re-implementation of
some parts of SDL_ttf, but using ATSUI (Apple's font library) instead
of FreeType. It includes a compatibility SDL_ttf.h header, so that you
can just change glob2's compilation flags and build against SDL_ATSUI
with no changes to the glob2 source. Right-to-left languages are
supported, even mixed in with left-to-right languages. Shaping should
be too, but I don't know any languages that need it, so I haven't
tested yet.

There are still some rendering bugs. It looks like some of the smaller
text is over-anti-aliased, which makes it kinda blurry. Also, the text
is not centered vertically in precisely the way that glob2 expects.
I'll experiment and see how to fix these issues.

Source is here: . You need
Mac OS X to compile or use it, of course. For now this is just a hack,
so apologies for the lack of README/LICENSE/etc files. I will license
it under the LGPL.

Obviously, the next step is for somebody to contribute a SDL_ttf
compatibility wrapper for SDL_Pango :-)


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