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[glob2-devel] Re: Beta 4 - Whats Left

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] Re: Beta 4 - Whats Left
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 22:27:20 -0400

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
Gameplay: challenging, but also quite frustrating. Part of it is that mistakes are punishing, a problem resolved in a large recent change. Another problem is that units do their own thing, and often their behavior can be confusing. For example: when you expect a building to be upgraded but it isn't, or you expect more warriors to your flag but you don't get them. This is another problem that is in the process of being resolved by making hints to the player of why things aren't occurring like they would expect.

Also, our game play doesn't have much depth. 10 kinds of buildings, and in most maps, its expected that all of the available area is to be entirely filled with base. Part of it is that units can't travel that far, another is that buildings are big, and maps are small.
Extra cheese comes at a cost. Bradley Arsenault.

I've just made another change that shoots two birds with one stone. All units will now last 1.7 times longer without needing to go to an Inn. This makes the demand on Inns smaller, making bases smaller, the need for large number of units smaller, it reduces the punishment of starvation slightly. This shoots down several birds with one stone. I've updated nicowars tuning to better match the decreased demand on Inns.

This will probably throw a few senior gamers off their game due for a short bit, but is better in the long run

Extra cheese comes at a cost. Bradley Arsenault.
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