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[glob2-devel] Speech Recognition & Glob2

From: Miller Peterson
Subject: [glob2-devel] Speech Recognition & Glob2
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 21:57:03 -0500


As a class project, I've decided to try to build a speech recognition
interface for Globulation 2 - i.e. to make it possible to issue orders
via voice commands. For the speech recognition engine, I'd like to use
Sphinx-4, which is a Java-based recognizer. Accordingly, I need some
form of interprocess communication so that Sphinx-4 can talk to Glob2.
I was hoping to get some advice on how to solve this problem. I've
read through the online documentation and started poking around in the
source, but am sitll pretty new to Glob2.

The simplest plan I've come up with is for the Java recognizer and
Glob2 to talk via TCP/IP sockets (using SDL_net). I guess I would add
functionality to GameGUI which would receive commands from the
recognizer over a socket and translate those into Orders, which would
get pushed to the NetGame in the same way as other orders. Does that
sound like it could work?

If you have any general or specific advice about how to proceed,
please let me know.

Miller Peterson

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