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Re: [Gm2] gm2 errors

From: Iztok Kobal
Subject: Re: [Gm2] gm2 errors
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 15:14:07 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020823 Netscape/7.0

Gaius Mulley wrote:


just a short message to say that I've uploaded gm2 changes into cvs
which fix bugs 1, 2 & 5.

Currently the range check in `bug 3' can be found at runtime when
-Wbounds is enabled.
I have found it after submiting the test programs.

But the compiler should really find this at
compile time..

I agree.

And I've got one more which I have forgotten to mention. Attached you have the ChanConsts def and mod which has already been possible to compile some time ago. Now it causes:

# gm2 -c -I. -g3 -gstabs+ -save-temps ChanConsts.mod
......./gm2-20021105+gcc-3.2/gcc/gm2/gm2-compiler/M2ALU.mod:435:*** internal error *** expecting type of constant to be a whole number

Regards !



(* Common types and values for device open requests and results *)

(* Device modules may allow combinations of the following flags to be given
   when a channel is opened. An open procedure may not accept or honor all
   combinations. *)

  ChanFlags = (
    readFlag,       (* input operations are requested/available *)
    writeFlag,      (* output operations are requested/available *)
    oldFlag,        (* a file may/must/did exist before channel was opened *)
    textFlag,       (* text operations are requested/available *)
    rawFlag,        (* raw operations are requested/available *)
    interactiveFlag,    (* interactive use is requested/available *)
    echoFlag        (* echoing by interactive device on removal of
             * characters from input stream requested/applies *)

  FlagSet = SET OF ChanFlags;

(* Singleton values of FlagSet, to allow for example, read+write. *)
  read        = FlagSet{readFlag};
  write       = FlagSet{writeFlag};
  old         = FlagSet{oldFlag};
  text        = FlagSet{textFlag};
  raw         = FlagSet{rawFlag};
  interactive = FlagSet{interactiveFlag};
  echo        = FlagSet{echoFlag};

  OpenResults = (    (* Possible results of open requests *)
    opened,      (* the open succeeded as requested *)
    wrongNameFormat, (* given name is in the wrong format for the 
implementation *)
    wrongFlags,      (* given flags include a value that does not apply to 
device *)
    tooManyOpen,     (* this device cannot support any more open channels *)
    outOfChans,      (* no more channels can be allocated *)
    wrongPermissions,(* file or directory permissions do not allow request *)
    noRoomOnDevice,  (* storage limits on the device prevent the open *)
    noSuchFile,      (* a needed file does not exist *)
    fileExists,      (* file of given name already exists, a new one is 
required *)
    wrongFileType,   (* file is of the wrong type to support required 
operations *)
    noTextOperations,(* text operations have been requested but are not 
supported *)
    noRawOperations, (* raw operations have been requested but are not 
supported *)
    noMixedOperations,(*text and binary operations have been requested but they
            are not supported in combination *)
    alreadyOpen,     (* the source/destination is already open for operations 
            supported in combination with the requested operations *)
    otherProblem     (* open failed for some other reason *)

END ChanConsts.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This program is copyright (c) 1996 Faculty of Information Technology,
 *  Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
 *  The program may be freely distributed in source or compiled form,
 *  provided this copyright notice remains intact in the sources.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

$Log: chanconsts.mod,v $
Revision 1.1  2003/01/30 17:41:30  iztokk
*** empty log message ***

Revision 1.1  1996/09/06 07:51:11  lederman
Initial revision



(* Common types and values for device open requests and results *)

(*                                                               *)
(*        NO SEPARATE IMPLEMENTATION REQUIRED                    *)
(*                                                               *)

END ChanConsts.

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