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[Gm2] About libraries and directories

From: Christoph Schlegel
Subject: [Gm2] About libraries and directories
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 17:53:41 +0100

Hello Gaius,

I just built gm2 from the cvs-latest tarball - now I have a question. I built 
the iso/socket example and it compiled fine. Executing the resulting program I 

address@hidden:~/Sources/gm2examples/iso/socket$ ./a.out
 channel does not belong to device in RAISE

Now it is not the raised exception which makes me wonder but the location of 
the file EXCEPTIONS.mod which is used: I installed gm2 to $HOME/gm2 as usual 
but the compiler still uses the files from the downloaded and unpacked tarball. 
Shouldn't it use the files from the make-installed compiler - in my case under 

Just wondering...


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