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Re: [Gm2] gm2 uses /var/tmp?

From: John Long
Subject: Re: [Gm2] gm2 uses /var/tmp?
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 10:17:41 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Wed, Jan 02, 2013 at 10:05:42AM +0000, Fischlin  Andreas wrote:
> Dear John,

How did you know?! ;-)

> Emptying this folder is AFAIK the duty of the OS, not that of the creator
> of the files stored there, unless permissions assigned at creation time
> would defy that. AFAIK this is the main purpose of storing files at
> /var/tmp. 
> I just checked on our Suns (Sparc, Solaris 9) /var/tmp. It contains indeed
> rather surprising old files. But in our case they don't use up much disk
> space. I don't know what philosophy Solaris follows and whether a by user
> logout or a machine restart is needed to really clear out those files or
> whether there should not be a chron job that is supposed do regularly
> clean that dir out. Perhaps someone has better Solaris knowledge and could
> say what should really be going on. 

I believe /var/tmp is for temp files that should survive a reboot and /tmp
for those that should not. Seems like a good idea but not every piece of
code and especially not something designed to run on Solaris respects the

> P.S.: We do not (yet) run gm2 on our Suns.

I don't either but I am hoping to soon. 

Happy new year!


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