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Re: SMS logo error

From: Eugene Grimsdell
Subject: Re: SMS logo error
Date: 28 Jun 2002 11:17:49 +0200

On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 01:16, Pawel Kot wrote:
> Quite strange. 5110 with 0.3.x series should (and did for me) qork quite
> stable. At least the SMS functionality. You can now try to use CVS version
> as it has SMS support for 6110 series.

Not very good with cvs but can try 4.0pre  the question is witch one is
the most stable 1 to 20

> error=4 means timeout. Wasn't logo delivered despite of this?

Not, the logo went to so called /dev/null

> Ugh. What error? Please use gnokii with debug (./configure --enable-debug)

I did enable the debug option can someone assist with sending screen
output to a file since "command >> filename" only have 
message failed 

> What cable do you use?

The official one that came with Nokia datasuite, Sorry there is no
indication on the cable. Looking at the debug output it doesn't look
like communication failure but then I'm not a programmer and also don't
know what to look for.

> pkot
> -- 


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