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Re: Nokia 8290

From: Roger
Subject: Re: Nokia 8290
Date: 04 Aug 2002 23:34:28 -0400

On Sun, 2002-08-04 at 08:52, Pawel Kot wrote:

> > i have no other irda devices. and nothing shows in the
> > /proc/net/irda/discovery file.
> It means that lowlevel connection does not work. SO no problem with
> gnokii, but with the irda connection.

(Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop)

eh, well, found out i had to unload the ltmodem drivers (winmodem
drivers -- lt_serial & lt_modem conflicts with irda services).  also,
the maejesto (sound card module) also conflicts. *basically* i had to
comment anything out in /etc/modules & /etc/modules.conf that i thought
would be auto-loaded on boot and stuff that i didn't need.

once done, the irdadump sang like a bird! the nokia 8290 start spurting
data into the irda port once i activated irda connection within the

> I don't think I understood what you wrote here. Please show the relevant
> part from dmesg for the serial ports and say how many phisical ports do
> you have there. This will be a good begnining.

well, to conclude, i also may have had a problem with the irda port on
the laptop. i had to jiggle it slighly as it may have not been firmly
seated/connected (loose connection to the irda port?).

yea, i don't expect most to understand my mubblings here as i'm new to
irda services and have *no idea* how irda works. the irda docs are
mainly meant for somebody who already *knows* how irda is suppose to
work. so i was pretty much lost as to what *is* suppose to happen.

> > probabely my main question for this list is to find-out if anybody has
> > even gotten their nokia 8290 working with gnokii.
> I don't think so, but you may search the archive to find the answer.

yea. looks really really grim (if anything at all!)

however, gsmlib works like a dream! i just downloaded & uploaded my
phonebook from the nokia 8290 to laptop (gsmpb -s).  the tarballs can be
easily built into srpm/rpm format (rpm -ta gsmlib*.tar.gz). i also
grabbed a snapshot of gsmlib from ~20020630

here's a link for anybody else.

>From here, i believe i could also simply provide pppd/wvdial a chat
script to easily connect to a dialup isp &/or use the gsm provider's
isdn service for isp service. (still researching this topic)

> pkot
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