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address@hidden: Bug#177540: off-by-one-bug: "Input too long! (160, maxim

From: Bradley Marshall
Subject: address@hidden: Bug#177540: off-by-one-bug: "Input too long! (160, maximum is 160)"]
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 09:58:14 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Hi all,

Yet another bug report from Debian.

----- Forwarded message from Marc Haber <address@hidden> -----

Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:44:38 +0100
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <address@hidden>
From: Marc Haber <address@hidden>
Subject: Bug#177540: off-by-one-bug: "Input too long! (160, maximum is 160)"
Reply-To: Marc Haber <address@hidden>,
Resent-From: Marc Haber <address@hidden>
Resent-Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:48:06 GMT
X-Mailer: reportbug 1.50

Package: gnokii
Version: 0.4.3-7
Severity: minor


address@hidden/508]:~$ echo "000 56789 010 56789 020 56789 030 56789 040 56789 
050 56789 060 56789 070 56789 080 56789 090 56789 100 56789 110 56789 120 56789 
130 56789 140 56789 150 56789" | gnokii --sendsms "+491713369520"
GNOKII Version 0.4.3
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:Input too long! 
(160, maximum is 160)
address@hidden/509]:~$ echo "000 56789 010 56789 020 56789 030 56789 040 56789 
050 56789 060 56789 070 56789 080 56789 090 56789 100 56789 110 56789 120 56789 
130 56789 140 56789 150 567890" | gnokii --sendsms "+491713369520"
GNOKII Version 0.4.3
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:Input too long! 
(161, maximum is 160)
address@hidden/510]:~$ echo "000 56789 010 56789 020 56789 030 56789 040 56789 
050 56789 060 56789 070 56789 080 56789 090 56789 100 56789 110 56789 120 56789 
130 56789 140 56789 150 5678" | gnokii --sendsms "+491713369520"
GNOKII Version 0.4.3
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:Send succeeded!

Gnokii should have allowed to send 160 characters.


----- End forwarded message -----

|Brad Marshall                    |           Plugged In Software|
|Senior Systems Administrator     ||
|mailto:address@hidden   |  GPG Key Id: 47951BD0 / 1024b|
 Fingerprint:  BAE3 4794 E627 2EAF 7EC0  4763 7884 4BE8 4795 1BD0

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