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BMPs again

From: Ender
Subject: BMPs again
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:34:29 +0100


  file_bmp_load() and file_bmp_save() assumes, that 0xFFFFFF is black
and 0x000000 is white - that's wrong.
  And I think, the color detection (file_bmp_load) should be based on
black and not white - I have images with white or green background,
but always with black foreground.

  The second file fixes this bug too, but in addition adds WBMP
support. It's pretty simple image format used on WAP - it allows
me to simply save images from PHP (using ImageWBMP()) and pass
them to command-line gnokii.

Live long and prosper.

Attachment: bmpfix.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bmpfix.wbmp.patch
Description: Binary data

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