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Re: Bluetooth

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Bluetooth
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:59:23 +0100

>>> address@hidden 18 February 2003 11:41:14 >>>
> > If I understand you correctly, calling device_open() with
> > GN_CT_Bluetooth
> > instead of GN_CT_Serial from fbus.c and atbus.c (that would call
> > bluetooth_open() instead of serial_open()) should be enough to
> > use the socket interface. Unfortunately it does not work. What do
> > miss?
> this should be enough. But you need to fill in the correct params
> bdaddr and channel. What did "hcidump -x" say?

I can't say at the moment (will send the info when I get back home).
I set bdaddr to the address of the phone and channel to 1.


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