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Re: nokia 3330

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: nokia 3330
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 17:57:05 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, madhu wrote:

[Im ccing it to gnokii ml]

> I am using gnokii version 0.5.2
> when I say gnokii --monitor I get the following out put after a long pass
> Telephone interface init failed:command timed out..Qutting
> when I say gnokiid it says
> GSM/FBUS init failed!
> gn_VM_initialize - VM_GSMinitialise falied...
> My gnokiirc file says
> # This is a sample ~/.gnokiirc file.  Copy it into your
> # home directory and name it .gnokiirc.
> [global]
> #port = /dev/ttyS0
> #port = /dev/modem
> port = /dev/gnokii

/dev/gnokii is the device (a symlink in fact) that is created by gnokiid
(mgnokiidev). You should use:
port = /dev/ttyS0
or to whichever port you have connected the phone.

> model = 3330
> initlength =3
> #connection = serial
> connection =dau9p

Not sure here, but
connection = serial
would be more safe. You can try with this setting though.

> bindir = /usr/local/sbin/
> #use_locking = yes
> use_locking = no
> serial_baudrate =9600

Setting it to the higher value should be safe.

> #serial_write_usleep = 10000
> #connect_script = /absolute/path/to/gnokii/Docs/sample/cimd-connect
> connect_script =/usr/local/gnokii-0.5.2/Docs/sample/ppp/cimd-connect
> smsc_timeout = 1
> TELEPHONE =919444126557
> [disconnect_script]

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