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Re: Technical question

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Technical question
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 19:45:59 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, Marek R wrote:

> > Marek, have you considered using the gnokii library to provide your basic
> > communication / protocol code, and building the app above it? The gnokii
> > program is specifically designed to be used like this..
> Well.... I've already writen working liblary for comunicating with N6610
> over cable an FBUS protocol.... but when I change serial port to irda it
> dasn't work :(

That's reinventing the wheel. Gnokii supports also IrDA protocol.

> I found that if I send any data to the send buffor... it become automaticly
> avaliable in readbuffor... a guess that irda connection is half duplex... am
> I right?? any kind of log of comunication between Nokia 6610 and Gnoki will
> be a great help for me... but it must include full protocol dump: full
> frames with messages and block of data.

Why don't you do it yourself? Reading gnokii source and docs would help as

p k o t a t b e z s e n s u d o t p l

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