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Re: gnokii smsd not giving me a clue as to why it is not sending and rec

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: Re: gnokii smsd not giving me a clue as to why it is not sending and receiving sms'
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 19:08:45 +0100

2013/1/5 helpFractal <address@hidden>:

> imac:~ fractal$ echo "This is a test message" | sudo gnokii --sendsms
> 447721234567 --report --smsc +447958879890

also the destination number should start with a + or you shouldn't use
the international prefix

> Now it is timing out when the message is being sent. I also have the same
> problem in the terminal 'screen /dev/cu.usbmodem431' when it comes to the
> text of the message, I am using text mode, and at the '>' prompt I type my
> message then CTRL+Z and nothing happens, which is perhaps the same issue as
> shown above.

text mode is different because the SMSC number and other parameters
are set before using AT+CMGS and in some cases the SMSC number set in
phone menus is not used by the AT interpreter, use AT+CSCA? to see it

> Question: Why would my usb modem not respond to CTRL+Z?

some phones have troubles with the SMSC number; you can check if it's
your case by changing 0 to 1 in common/phones/atgen.c at line 3242
        drvinst->no_smsc = 0;
when set to 1 the phone should use the same number returned by AT+CSCA?
Daniele Forsi

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