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Re: [Gnoppix-user] booting gnoppix on a machine with an adaptec 19160 co

From: Markus Maiwald
Subject: Re: [Gnoppix-user] booting gnoppix on a machine with an adaptec 19160 controller
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2003 04:09:00 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.21/Linux M2 build 480

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 15:07:56 +0100, Jörn Breyer <address@hidden> wrote:

yesterday i got my gnoppix-cd, great..

you got it..  ;-)

But when I wanted to bott it on my machine (adaptec scsi 19160 controller,
seagate cheetah hard disk using aic7xxx) a problem occured:
The machine booted gnoppix to the point, where gnoppix probs hard disks....
and then it broke down, telling me:

probing scsi aic7xxx.o

You mean it silently stops (or seems to do nothing)??

is there a solution to this problem, do I have to specify certain boot options?

I am not quiet shure. But I heard of a weird scsi-probing timeout..
Somebody told me that KNOPPIX will boot after 3-6min on his machine!
I dont know, wether this could be the same phenomenon here on Gnoppix.

But nevertheless, better to ask in newsgroups like
de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware / linux.debian.user.german
maybe they knew this phenomenon..

I'm a newbie ;-). I know that's no excuse for stupid questions but
if this "cry for help" annoys you, I'm sorry

There are no stupid questions - only stupid answeres!


|  ·''·. Markus Maiwald, eMail  maiwald AT gnoppix DOT org |
| ´ :' : Debian Gnoppix Developer |
| `, `·  Debian GNU/Linux User |
|   '-   Registered Linux-User   #329668 / GnuPG #D42F7ECB |

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