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Re: [Gnoppix-user] how much knoppix info applies?

From: amu
Subject: Re: [Gnoppix-user] how much knoppix info applies?
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 21:07:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Sun, Nov 09, 2003 at 10:27:19AM -0800, Nyktovus wrote:
> I understand that Gnoppix is alot like Knoppix, but
> how much of the information is actually
> interchangeable & can be applied to gnoppix. 

well gnoppix is based on debian stable woody. With
woody backports.

> for example, if I really dig knoppix, and I want to
> install it I use the sudo command "knx hdinstall" or
> something like that.. 
>     is there a similar command to drop Gnoppix on a
> HD??

not now, there was a gnoppix-installer but isnt upported
now, Author give up. We write now a own ( new ) one .

>     I'm still really new to linux & I've been a mac
> guru for years .. but gnoppix I like.. & i'd much
> rather use that on this dell here than some evil
> windows release.



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