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Re: [Gnoppix-user] XF86-SVGA

From: Markus Maiwald
Subject: Re: [Gnoppix-user] XF86-SVGA
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 19:27:47 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.21/Linux M2 build 480

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 21:19:17 +0100, Pedro M. <address@hidden> wrote:

How can I load  XF86-SVGA as seen in

You can load modules like vesa, r128, svga, etc...

Be more specific!>

(like a cheatcode)
         ^^^^^^^^    --> you cheater ;-)

ahem, Pedro..

I saw you asking on the Knoppix Mailinglist some weeks ago
(and not referring to us!),
here you were several times talking about cheatcodes -

I think it is time now to ask you for something to do:

Would you please be so kind and contribute your extended use of different Live-CDs
with writing a Gnoppix-Tutorial-Cheatcodes.txt
and giving so the communitiy something back !?

I mean, after such a long time of extended booting-testings,
cheatcodes searching and collecting useful infomation
you should be able to write a book, eh!? ;-)

If I can really see you want to learn and dont let others do the work,
I will tell you everything I know - I swear ;-)


|  ·''·. Markus Maiwald, eMail  maiwald AT gnoppix DOT org |
| ´ :' : Debian Gnoppix Developer |
| `, `·  Debian GNU/Linux User |
|   '-   Registered Linux-User   #329668 / GnuPG #D42F7ECB |

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