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[Gnoppix-user] Re: Gnoppix 0.6.0-RC2

From: Michael Mauch
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] Re: Gnoppix 0.6.0-RC2
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 01:16:56 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

Harold Bower wrote:

> There seems to be a small problem with the terminal icon on the top menu
> bar.  When selected, a terminal window appears for only a quick moment
> after several seconds of loading.  This is repeatable.  

Strange, it works here without problems (also with English language

> Selecting the "Terminal" from the "Applications" -> "System Tools"
> pull-down menu (which seems to be the same Icon) gives a terminal that
> stays and is usable.

Yes, it's the same command, gnome-terminal (you can right-click and look
at the properties of the icon and of the menu item).


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