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[Gnu-arch-users] compatiblity

From: Colin Walters
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] compatiblity
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 10:59:59 -0400


Some of my changes may introduce incompatibilities with older versions
of arch.  Not severe ones, but they are still incompatibilities.

For example, older versions of arch will only use one of the junk
regexps listed in {arch}/=tagging-method.  The tagging change could
affect projects which haven't explicitly used the "untagged-source"

Should I bump arch_tree_format_str in project-tree.c, and add some code
so that older arch versions will refuse to read newer versions?

Or should we just assume at this stage that if you use tla, you have to
know what you're doing, and make stronger backwards compatibility claims
after 1.1 is out?

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