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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: RFC: arch protocol, smart server, and tla imple

From: Aaron Bentley
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: RFC: arch protocol, smart server, and tla implementation prototypes
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 19:23:21 -0500
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Chris Gray wrote:

Oh, because it's a red herring.  It's funny because it's a cliche.
Well as soon as you can fill my pudding bowl with this server that
knows when to cache things, I'll accept that as proof.

I guess I blundered when I brought up the DoS attack though.  That
sort of obscured my original message.  My message was that skiplists
are a data structure that you should consider for reasons of
efficiency, simplicity, and size.  I feel they would be preferable to
what we have now and easier to implement than a truly smart server.
So are you saying that the protocol needs to support skiplists? Or is it a server implementation detail?

How would a skip list be used in this context? The paper you reference shows the user of skiplists for search, insertion and deletion, but how does that apply to a server that must decide what requests are worthy of creating and caching, and which are worthless?


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