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[Gnu-arch-users] corrupt archive

From: Jani Monoses
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] corrupt archive
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 18:38:02 +0300

Just kidding.

Shouldn't arch_revision_type() print a less heart-sinking message in case the
revision name given to it is wrong?
I accidentally did a delta between patch-104 and 105 instead of 103 and 104
and even though I suspected it's not really a corruption I fealt uneasy seeing

corrupt archive
  name: address@hidden
  location: /home/jani/gnuarch/archives/works
  revision: libsrc--main--1.0--patch-105

Aaron maybe you have this already in your errors branch?

A message like

revision libsrc--main--1.0--patch-105 is not in archive 

seems more appropriate to me.


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