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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] to support the continued development of Arch

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] to support the continued development of Arch
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:50:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)


Andy Tai <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi, there are many users of the GNU Arch SCM system,
> and some people have expressed concerned about its
> future.  Given that Tom Lord has declared he will not
> continue to work on tla (GNU Arch 1.0) and revc (GNU
> Arch 2.0), and Canonical is focusing on bazaar-ng, a
> Python-based SCM not directly compatible with Arch,
> but that the current C-based tla code base is a usable
> SCM for many applications and the experimental recv
> code base may hold a lot of promise for fixing the
> shortcomings of tla,

Indeed, that could be interesting.  And that would be easier to do if
the development team of these projects had not vanished, as mentioned in
another post...


> I am willing to provide US $ 250 per month toward this
> effort.  I hope there may be other interested users of
> Arch who can contribute too.  While this may not sound
> like a lot of money for people living in the US or
> other Western countries, if we can make it up to, say,
> US $600 per month, this money may be enough to support
> some talent hacker in India or Eastern Europe for each
> month where the cost of living is lower.

Are you kidding?  Developing Free Software doesn't mean "working for
Free", nor should it mean "working cheaper".  As you probably know,
people in western countries (especially in western Europe) are concerned
that such behaviors (observed in large-scale transnational companies)
may lead to a lowering of wages and possibly a decline of work
conditions in western countries, while surely not improving them in
other countries.  That's certainly not a solution to the problem.


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