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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] user space file systems

From: Alfred M\. Szmidt
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] user space file systems
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 21:27:24 +0100

Hey Tom, nice to see you!  Hope you're fine, and hope you had lots of
good food on the table during the holidays.

     Building a user space file system is a good idea for lots of
     reasons.  But how?

By using a already existing library to do so... See below!

     Here's such an API that can be implemented in about 610 lines of
     code on Posix.  I can' imagine it would be any harder on Windows
     using native calls there.

I suggest you take a look at the Hurd's libdiskfs/libtrivfs/libnetfs
libraries, no need to reinvent the wheel.  ;)

Your suggest API misses alot of functionality from the looks, like
permission handling.  I didn't take a closer look on it, since there
is already such an API which we can use, and should use, namley what
the GNU Hurd provides.

Happy hacking.

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