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Re: auto-load-path.el

From: Noah Friedman
Subject: Re: auto-load-path.el
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:53:11 -0800 (PST)

>;; auto-load-path.el -- Automagically add ~/elisp subdirs to the load-path

This is a useful hack, and I did something similar.  However, I have the
constraint that under my ~/elisp directory are subdirectories that contain
code which are specific to different versions of emacs--some programs work
only with XEmacs and not Emacs, and vice versa.  And bytecode is not
compatible between the two or often with older versions of Emacs.  So I
needed more control over which subdirectories were actually included in the

My version requires a little more manual intervention because you must
specify which subdirectories you want in your load path, but that
specification is distributed and you *could* write a specification which
includes a whole subtree without further inspection.

In each directory you create a file, .build-subdirs.els with contents like

      (concat "emacs-" emacs-version)
      (directory-tree "subdir3" ...) ; every subdir

which specifies which subdirectories are to be further traversed.

You can use any lisp expression; each just has to evaluate to a string or a
list of strings, or nil.  Then in your .emacs you can do (after doing
whatever you need to do to load dirtree.el):

  (nconc load-path (build-subdirectory-list-deep "~/elisp"))


  (nconc load-path (mapcar #'build-subdirectory-list-deep
                           "~/elisp" "rootdir2" "rootdir2" ...))

;;; dirtree.el --- functions for building directory-tree lists

;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, 2000 Noah S. Friedman

;; Author: Noah Friedman <address@hidden>
;; Maintainer: address@hidden
;; Keywords: extensions
;; Created: 1998-04-24

;; $Id: dirtree.el,v 1.4 2000/02/18 20:12:24 friedman Exp $

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
;; program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation,
;; Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; I use the function `build-subdirectory-list' (and its friends) to
;; initialize my load-path, among other things.  At the root of my lisp
;; directories I have ".build-subdirs.els" files which specify
;; subdirectories which should also go into the path.

;; Updates of this file may be available via the URL

;;; Code:

(defvar build-subdirectory-list-file-name ".build-subdirs.els"
  "Name of file to parse by `build-subdirectory-list'.
This variable should specify the name of the file as it would appear in a
directory, and so it should not contain any subdirectory names.
For example it could be set to \".build-subdirs.els\", but should not be set to

(defun build-subdirectory-list-deep (dir)
  "Like `build-subdirectory-list', but always descend recursively."
  (build-subdirectory-list dir t))

(defun build-subdirectory-list (dir &optional recurp)
  "Build a list of directory names, starting with DIR.
Optional arg RECURP means descend recursively into subdirectories of DIR to
look for candidate directories.

In directory DIR, look for a \"subdirectory-list\" file named by the value
of the variable `build-subdirectory-list-file-name'.  That file should
contain lisp expressions which compute relative directory names to be added
to the returned list.  The file may contain comments and/or any arbitrary
lisp expressions, but the top-level return value of each should either be
`nil' \(which will be ignored)\), a string representing a directory name,
or a list of directory names.

When RECURP is non-`nil', any directory names built up by scanning the
subdirectory-list file are in turn searched for subdirectory-list files.
The final list returned at the top-level will be in depth-first order
\(i.e. subdirectories will appear before their parent directories\).

For example, any or all of the expressions are appropriate entries in a
subdirectory-list file \(as are any other valid s-expressions\):

     \"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\"

     '\(\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\"\)

     \(list \"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\"\)

     \(mapcar #'\(lambda \(s\)
                 \(upcase \(concat s \".DIR;1\"\)\)\)
             '\(\"foo\" \"bar\" \"baz\"\)\)"
  (let* ((bufname " *Init Directories*")
         (buf (get-buffer-create bufname))
         (list nil))
          (set-buffer buf)
          (setq buffer-read-only nil)
          (buffer-disable-undo buf)
          (setq list
                (cons dir
                      (build-subdirectory-list-internal dir recurp list buf))))
      (kill-buffer buf))
    (nreverse list)))

(defun build-subdirectory-list-internal (dir recurp list buf)
  (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
  (let ((file (concat dir build-subdirectory-list-file-name))
        (objlist nil)
     ((file-readable-p file)
      (insert-file-contents file)
      (goto-char (point-min))

      (condition-case err
          (while (setq obj (eval (read buf)))
            (setq objlist (cons obj objlist)))
        (end-of-file nil)
        (error (apply 'signal err)))

      (setq objlist (nreverse objlist))

      (while objlist
        (setq obj (car objlist))
        (setq objlist (cdr objlist))

        (if (stringp obj)
            (setq obj (list obj))
          (setq obj (nreverse obj)))

        (while obj
          (if (null obj)
            (setq list (cons (concat dir (car obj)) list))
            (and recurp
                 (file-directory-p (car obj))
                 (setq list (build-subdirectory-list-internal
                             (car obj) recurp list buf)))
            (setq obj (cdr obj)))))))

(defun directory-tree (dir &optional depth-first-p predicate filter)
  "Return a list of all directories beneath DIR.
Each member of the returned list is a string containing the name of a
subdirectory, or if the subdirectory has children of its own, the
subdirectory and its children are in a list:

        (directory-tree \"/foo/\")
        => (\"/foo/a/\"
            (\"/foo/b/\" \"/foo/b/1/\" \"/foo/b/2\"
             (\"/foo/b/3/\" \"/foo/b/3/bar/\"))

Optional arg DEPTH-FIRST-P means all subdirectories of a given parent
 directory are listed first; normally, parent directories are listed first.

Optional arg PREDICATE is a function of one string argument: a directory name.
 If it returns nil, the directory name is not returned and no subdirectory
 of that directory will be searched.

Optional arg FILTER is a function of one string argument: a directory name.
 Whatever value produced by this function is what will appear in the return
 list instead of the original directory name."
  (and (file-directory-p dir)
       (let* ((default-directory dir)
              (lst (file-name-all-completions "" dir))
              (l lst))
         (while l
           (if (and (file-directory-p (car l))
                    (not (member (car l) '("./" "../")))
                    (or (null predicate)
                        (funcall predicate (car l))))
               (setcar l (concat dir (car l)))
             (setq lst (delq (car l) lst)))
           (setq l (cdr l)))
         (and filter
              (setq dir (funcall filter dir)))
         (cond (lst
                (setq l
                      (mapcar (function (lambda (dir)
                                          (directory-tree dir
                (if depth-first-p
                    (cons l (cons dir nil))
                  (cons dir l)))
               (t dir)))))

(defun walk-filesystem (dir action &optional no-error)
  "Traverse filesystem starting with directory DIR and call ACTION.
Starting with the directory specified by DIR, walk down the directory tree
recursively and call ACTION for each file or directory found.
Optional argument NO-ERROR means do not abort if a subdirectory cannot be
traversed for permission reasons, but it will not prevent exceptions in the
ACTION function.

ACTION function receives two arguments: a directory name and a file in that
directory.  Note that the file argument may in fact be a directory itself.

Files are not traversed in any particular order; if the action function
builds a list of results, they may need to be sorted afterward."
  (cond ((file-directory-p dir)
         (or (char-equal ?/ (aref dir (1- (length dir))))
             (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir)))
         (let ((lst (if no-error
                        (condition-case err
                            (directory-files dir nil nil t)
                          (error nil))
                      (directory-files dir nil nil t)))
               fulllname file)
           (while lst
             (setq file (car lst))
             (setq lst (cdr lst))
             (cond ((member file '("." "..")))
                    (funcall action dir file)
                    (setq fullname (concat dir file))
                    (and (file-directory-p fullname)
                         (walk-filesystem fullname action no-error)))))))
         (funcall action (file-name-directory dir)
                  (file-name-nondirectory dir)))))

(defun existing-directory-root (dir)
  "Return the leading portion of DIR which actually exists in the filesystem.
If the entire directory hierarchy exists, just return DIR."
  (while (not (file-exists-p dir))
    (setq dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))

(provide 'dirtree)

;;; dirtree.el ends here

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