;;; latin-9-pre.el --- Latin-9 Quail input method -*-coding: iso-8859-15;-*- ;; Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Dave Love ;; Keywords: i18n ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This is extracted from what I did in quail/latin-pre.el for Emacs ;; 21.1. It's not necessarily ideal, but does provide a way of ;; entering latin-iso8859-15. ;;; Code: (require 'quail) (quail-define-package "latin-9-prefix" "Latin-9" "0>" t "Latin-9 characters input method with prefix modifiers effect | prefix | examples ------------+--------+---------- acute | ' | 'a -> á grave | ` | `a -> à circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â diaeresis | \" | \"a -> ä, \"Y -> Ÿ tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã caron | ~ | ~z -> ž cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç misc | \" ~ / | \"s -> ß ~d -> ð ~t -> þ /a -> å /e -> æ /o -> ø | \" ~ / | /o -> œ symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿ ~~ -> ž | ~ | ~s -> § ~e -> € ~. -> · ~$ -> £ ~u -> µ | ~ | ~- -> ­ ~= -> ¯ symbol | _ / | _o -> º _a -> ª // -> ° /\\ -> × _y -> ¥ | _ / | _: -> ÷ /c -> ¢ ~p -> ¶ | _ / | /= -> ¬ symbol | ^ | ^r -> ® ^c -> © ^1 -> ¹ ^2 -> ² ^3 -> ³ _a -> ª " nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("'A" ?Á) ("'E" ?É) ("'I" ?Í) ("'O" ?Ó) ("'U" ?Ú) ("'Y" ?Ý) ("'a" ?á) ("'e" ?é) ("'i" ?í) ("'o" ?ó) ("'u" ?ú) ("'y" ?ý) ("' " ?') ("`A" ?À) ("`E" ?È) ("`I" ?Ì) ("`O" ?Ò) ("`U" ?Ù) ("`a" ?à) ("`e" ?è) ("`i" ?ì) ("`o" ?ò) ("`u" ?ù) ("``" ?`) ("` " ?`) ("^A" ?Â) ("^E" ?Ê) ("^I" ?Î) ("^O" ?Ô) ("^U" ?Û) ("^a" ?â) ("^e" ?ê) ("^i" ?î) ("^o" ?ô) ("^u" ?û) ("^^" ?^) ("^ " ?^) ("\"A" ?Ä) ("\"E" ?Ë) ("\"I" ?Ï) ("\"O" ?Ö) ("\"U" ?Ü) ("\"a" ?ä) ("\"e" ?ë) ("\"i" ?ï) ("\"o" ?ö) ("\"s" ?ß) ("\"u" ?ü) ("\"y" ?ÿ) ("\" " ?\") ("~A" ?Ã) ("~C" ?Ç) ("~D" ?Ð) ("~N" ?Ñ) ("~O" ?Õ) ("~S" ?Š) ("~T" ?Þ) ("~Z" ?Ž) ("~a" ?ã) ("~c" ?ç) ("~d" ?ð) ("~n" ?ñ) ("~o" ?õ) ("~s" ?š) ("~t" ?þ) ("~z" ?ž) ("~>" ?\») ("~<" ?\«) ("~!" ?¡) ("~?" ?¿) ("~ " ?~) ("/A" ?Å) ("/E" ?Æ) ("/O" ?Ø) ("/a" ?å) ("/e" ?æ) ("/o" ?ø) ("//" ?°) ("/ " ?/) ("_o" ?º) ("_a" ?ª) ("_+" ?±) ("_y" ?¥) ("_:" ?÷) ("/c" ?¢) ("/\\" ?×) ("/o" ?œ) ; clash with ø, but æ uses / ("/O" ?Œ) ("\"Y" ?Ÿ) ("~s" ?§) ("~p" ?¶) ;; Is this the best option for Euro entry? ("~e" ?€) ("~." ?·) ("~$" ?£) ("~u" ?µ) ("^r" ?®) ("^c" ?©) ("^1" ?¹) ("^2" ?²) ("^3" ?³) ("~-" ?­) ("~=" ?¯) ("/=" ?¬)) (provide 'latin-9-pre) ;;; latin-9-pre.el ends here