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Fix to buff-sel.el

From: David Kreil
Subject: Fix to buff-sel.el
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 19:24:46 +0100


I am not sure whether there is anyone maintaining the buff-sel library now, 
considering that the last trace of a contactable person is dated 1992 and that 
I cannot find an obvious source of the file in the first place. Please let me 
know, however, if there is!

I have found buff-sel.el most useful in the past but noticed that it has 
become broken in newer emacs versions. Please find a fixed buff-sel that works 
with modern emacs versions below.

With best regards,


; Newsgroups: gnu.emacs.sources
; Path:!decwrl!uunet!brunix!doorknob!rsw
; From: address@hidden (Bob Weiner)
; Subject: buf-sel.el - Minibuffer buffer selection and killing with 
; Organization: Brown U.
; Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1992 20:36:51 GMT
;; LCD Archive Entry:
;; buf-sel|Tomn Horsley|address@hidden|
;; Interactive buffer-list in the minibuffer.|
;; 92-03-25||~/misc/buf-sel.el.Z|
;; =====================================================================
;;     usenet: address@hidden  USMail: Tom Horsley
;; compuserve: 76505,364                         511 Kingbird Circle
;;      genie: T.HORSLEY                         Delray Beach, FL  33444
;; ======================== Aging: Just say no! ========================
;; This file provides an interactive buffer-list capability.
;; When the function select-buffer is invoked, the minibuffer
;; prompts you for another buffer to select.  The default is the second
;; buffer on the buffer-list.  Also, all the keys that are normally
;; bound to next-line and previous-line are bound to functions that
;; navigate through the buffer list.  Any keys bound to kill-buffer
;; are rebound to a function that will kill the buffer currently
;; named in the minibuffer, then move to the next buffer on the list.
;; This is a faster means of selecting another buffer than buffer-menu
;; is, but with most of the power.
;; Bob Weiner, Motorola, Inc., 4/5/89
;;   Added 'select-buffer-other-window' command bound to {C-x4b}
;;   usually.
;; Bob Weiner, Motorola, Inc., 10/3/91
;;   Eliminated inefficient recursion for computing buffer list.
;;   This eliminated error of passing max-lisp-eval-depth when working
;;     with many buffers.
;;   Added completion to 'select-buffer' so it works like standard
;;     'switch-to-buffer' function.
;; We have gotten to where we use this technique for several of the
;; packages we have written where something prompts for input, each
;; command keeps its own history list so you can quickly cycle through
;; the previous input to just that command.
;; It is very handy to rebind the keys where next line is, so you can
;; continue to use any cursor keys.
;; (autoload 'select-buffer "buff-sel" nil t)
;; (global-set-key "\C-xb" 'select-buffer)
;; (global-set-key "\C-x4b" 'select-buffer-other-window)
;; Modifications:
;; --------------
;; Modified on: 2 April 1992
;; Modified by: Uffe Kjaerulff <<EMAIL: PROTECTED>>
;; Description: Prompt changed from "Switch to buffer: " to
;;              "Switch to buffer: (default <next buffer>) " and
;;              initial input changed from "<next buffer>" to "".
;;              In this way 'select-buffer' differs from the
;;              standard 'switch-to-buffer' only by providing the
;;              interactive buffer-list capability described above.
;;              The fix eliminates the need to delete the initial input
;;              before typing (the prefix of) the name of a buffer.
;;              (Typically, you don't want to use the 'next-line'/
;;              'previous-line' keys to obtain a buffer name if it's
;;              to be found far down the buffer list.)
;; Modified on: 8 May 1995
;; Modified by: Jerry Quinn <<EMAIL: PROTECTED>>
;; Description: Changed default next buffer from 2nd on list to the output
;;              of other-buffer.  If more than one window was displayed,
;;              every change of buffer would default to the other one already
;;              shown.
;; Modified on: 1 Feb 1997
;; Modified by: Jerry Quinn <<EMAIL: PROTECTED>>
;; Description: Above change sometimes caused the first buffer-select-prev to
;;              offer the default choice.  Fixed means of computing
;;              buffer-select-list-index.
;; Modified on: 12 Apr 2004
;; Modified by: D P Kreil, address@hidden
;; Description: erase-buffer conflicts with modern minibuffer prompt display
;;              as a read-only field. Changed to delete-field.

(defvar buffer-select-list-index 0 "Index into buffer-list")

(defvar buffer-select-local-list nil "Local copy of buffer-list")

(defvar buffer-select-minibuffer-map
  (copy-keymap minibuffer-local-completion-map)
  "This is a copy of the minibuffer completion keymap with all the keys that
were bound to next-line now bound to buffer-select-next and all the keys
that were bound to previous-line now bound to buffer-select-prev.")

  (lambda (keyseq)
    (define-key buffer-select-minibuffer-map keyseq 'buffer-select-prev)))
 (where-is-internal 'previous-line nil nil))

  (lambda (keyseq)
    (define-key buffer-select-minibuffer-map keyseq 'buffer-select-next)))
   (where-is-internal 'next-line nil nil))

  (lambda (keyseq)
    (define-key buffer-select-minibuffer-map keyseq 'buffer-select-kill-buf)))
   (where-is-internal 'kill-buffer nil nil))

(defun make-buffer-list (buffer-list)
  "Returns names from BUFFER-LIST excluding those beginning with a space."
  (delq nil (mapcar '(lambda (b)
                       (if (= (aref (buffer-name b) 0) ? ) nil b))

(defun select-buffer (&optional other-window)
  "Interactively select or kill buffer using the minibuffer.
Optional argument OTHER-WINDOW non-nil means display buffer in another window.
The default buffer is the second one in the buffer-list. Other buffers can
selected either explicitly, or by using buffer-select-next and
buffer-select-prev.  Keys normally bound to next-line are bound to
buffer-select-next, those normally bound to previous-line are bound to
buffer-select-prev, and those normally bound to kill-buffer are bound to
   (setq buffer-select-local-list (make-buffer-list (buffer-list)))
   (let ((save-minibuffer-map minibuffer-local-completion-map)
         (default-buffer (buffer-name (other-buffer)))
      (setq inpt
                 (setq minibuffer-local-completion-map
                       ;; count-windows was used, but didn't work right
                       (1- (length (memq (other-buffer)
                                         (reverse buffer-select-local-list)))))
                  (completing-read (concat
                                    "Switch to buffer"
                                    (if other-window " in other window")
                                    ": (default " default-buffer ") ")
                                   (mapcar '(lambda (buf)
                                              (list (buffer-name buf)))
                                   nil nil nil)
              (setq minibuffer-local-completion-map save-minibuffer-map)
      (if (string-equal inpt "")
          (setq inpt default-buffer))
      (if other-window
          (switch-to-buffer-other-window inpt)
        (switch-to-buffer inpt))

(defun select-buffer-other-window ()
  "See documentation for 'select-buffer'."
  (select-buffer t))

(defun buffer-select-next ()
"Move to the next buffer on the buffer-list."
;   (erase-buffer)  ; bad: also tries to delete read-only Prompt field
   (setq buffer-select-list-index (1+ buffer-select-list-index))
   (if (>= buffer-select-list-index (length buffer-select-local-list))
       (setq buffer-select-list-index 0)
   (insert (buffer-name (nth buffer-select-list-index 

(defun buffer-select-prev ()
"Move to the previous buffer on the buffer-list."
;   (erase-buffer)  ; bad: also tries to delete read-only Prompt field
   (setq buffer-select-list-index (1- buffer-select-list-index))
   (if (< buffer-select-list-index 0)
       (setq buffer-select-list-index (1- (length buffer-select-local-list)))
   (insert (buffer-name
              (nth buffer-select-list-index buffer-select-local-list)))

(defun buffer-select-kill-buf ()
"Kill the buffer currently appearing in the minibuffer, then move to
the next buffer on the buffer-list."
         (mbuf (current-buffer))        ;; Save the minibuffer because
                                        ;; kill-buffer selects a buffer
         (kbuf (nth buffer-select-list-index buffer-select-local-list))
      (message "Killing buffer %s." (buffer-name kbuf))
      (kill-buffer kbuf)
      (set-buffer mbuf)
   ;; Rebuild the buffer list, so that the killed buffer doesn't appear
   ;; in it.  Under certain circumstances, the buffer might not have
   ;; gone away, such as killing "*scratch*" when it is the last buffer.
   (setq buffer-select-local-list (make-buffer-list (buffer-list)))
   ;; Fix buffer-select-list-index, in case it went off the end of
   ;; the list (in either direction, just to be absolutely safe).

   (if (< buffer-select-list-index 0)
       (setq buffer-select-list-index (1- (length buffer-select-local-list)))
   (if (>= buffer-select-list-index (length buffer-select-local-list))
       (setq buffer-select-list-index 0)
   (insert (buffer-name
              (nth buffer-select-list-index buffer-select-local-list)))

;; end of file buff-sel.el

Dr David Philip Kreil                 ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Research Fellow                        `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
University of Cambridge                (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
++44 1223 764107, fax 333992         _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'

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