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Re: Problem using C-c C-b to browse result in muse

From: Michael Olson
Subject: Re: Problem using C-c C-b to browse result in muse
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 19:28:10 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"pluskid" <address@hidden> writes:

> I just start using muse-3.02.6b today. I follow the instructions
> and set up an mule environment for myself, but I have problem
> using C-c C-b to browse my result.
> My project is:
> (setq muse-project-alist
>       '(("wiki"
>          ("~/wiki/src" :default "index")
>          (:base "html" :path "~/wiki/publish/html"))))
> I create a page "~/wiki/first_use.muse" and use C-c C-p to publish
> it. I can see a page first_use.html published in ~/wiki/publish/html.
> But when I press C-c C-b, and choose the "html" style ,he says
> "muse-browse-result: Cannot open output file
> '/home/kid/wiki/src/first_use.html'"
> Why does he find the result in src/ dir instead of my
> ~/wiki/publish/html
>  dir? I wonder am I get something wrong?

It's a known problem that I will try to fix before the next release.

In the future, please address Muse questions to its own mailing list,
not this newsgroup.  Details are at

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 --
Interests: Emacs Lisp, text markup, protocols -- Muse, Planner, ERC, EMMS
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