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Re: ERC 5.1.4 released

From: Michael Olson
Subject: Re: ERC 5.1.4 released
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 13:59:50 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Marc Tfardy <address@hidden> writes:

> Michael Olson schrieb:
>> I am pleased to announce the release of ERC 5.1.4.
> How about the dcc/ctcp bug? (see my post at previous version of ERC,
> 6 posts above).

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Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 --
Interests: Emacs Lisp, text markup, protocols -- Jabber:
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