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Emacs -vs- notification area: status.el 0.2

From: Tom Tromey
Subject: Emacs -vs- notification area: status.el 0.2
Date: 25 Mar 2007 17:43:37 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4

I've long wanted to be able to have Emacs bring up an icon in the
Gnome notification area.  This code makes this possible.

My ideal approach would be for Emacs to include code for this, perhaps
treating the notification icon as a special kind of frame.  (Ideas
welcome here, I may or may not get to working on this...)  Among other
things this could be made cross platform, and would let the
notification icon have a real menu, rather than the more limited one
available here.

Meanwhile, this code let me do enough so that I was able to replace
x-chat (which has an indispensible notification icon plugin) with ERC
(ERC code to follow).

To make this work you need a specially hacked version of zenity, a
Gnome program.  status.el has a pointer to the patch, which is in
Gnome bugzilla; also see the commentary in the .el file.

Because it is sort of a pain to set up, I am not uploading this to

status.el just provides an Emacs Lisp API to notification icons -- it
doesn't have any user visible behavior itself.  In particular via the
API you can:

* Make and delete icons
* Make the icon visible or invisible
* Change the displayed image
* Change the tooltip on the icon
* Set a menu on the icon
* Set a callback for when the user left-clicks on the icon
* Post a notification message via the icon (this shows up in a big bubble)
* Make the icon blink

You can see a small screenshot of this in action here:


;;; status.el --- notification area support for Emacs.

;; Copyright (C) 2007 Tom Tromey <address@hidden>

;; Author: Tom Tromey <address@hidden>
;; Version: 0.2
;; Keywords: frames multimedia

;; This file is not (yet) part of GNU Emacs.
;; However, it is distributed under the same license.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

;; Commentary:

;; To use this package you will need a specially modified version of
;; zenity, a Gnome program.  The patch is available in Gnome bugzilla:
;; I realize this is a burden.  I would like to have direct support
;; for the notification area in Emacs itself.  That way, not only
;; could it be made to work cross-platform, but also we have it use
;; real menus, rather than the more limited ones provided by this
;; module.

;; Once you have installed a hacked zenity, you will need to put this
;; file into your load-path, and then (load "status").
;; (Or you can deal with the autoload...)
;; You will also need to set status-zenity-path to point to your copy
;; of zenity:
;;    (setq status-zenity-path "/full/path/to/zenity")

;; There are no user-visible features of this module, only features
;; for Emacs Lisp programs.  You may like to use erc-status.el, which
;; provides some nice notification area support for ERC.

;; Change log:

;; 2007-03-24   updated documentation, added autoload, added variable
;;              for path
;; 2007-03-01   generate new buffer name for each status-new
;; 2007-01-29   reorder code in status-process-filter

;; ToDo:

;; * We should not use zenity.  Instead the code should be built
;;   into Emacs, so that we can use ordinary menus instead of the
;;   more limited ones zenity provides.

(require 'cl)

(defvar status-zenity-path "/home/tromey/Gnome/install/bin/zenity"
  "Path to specially modified version of zenity.")

;; Callback function for a left-click on the status icon.  Internal.
(defvar status-click-callback)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'status-click-callback)

;; Callback alist for status icon.  Internal.
(defvar status-menu-callbacks)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'status-menu-callbacks)

;; Data used by the process filter.  Internal.
(defvar status-input-string)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'status-input-string)

(defun status-set-menu (status-icon menu)
  "Set the context menu on the status icon.
STATUS-ICON is the icon.  MENU is a list of cons cells.  The car of a
cell is the text for the menu label.  The cdr of a cell is a callback
function.  This function is called with no arguments when the menu
item is selected by the user.  If MENU is nil, any existing menu
is removed."
  (process-send-string status-icon "menu:\n")
  (let ((callbacks nil)
        (count 0))
    (while menu
      (process-send-string status-icon
                           (concat "menuitem: "
                                   (shell-quote-argument (car (car menu)))
                                   (int-to-string count)
      (setq callbacks (cons (cons (int-to-string count) (cdr (car menu)))
      (setq count (+ 1 count))
      (setq menu (cdr menu)))
    (process-send-string status-icon "endmenu:\n")
      (set-buffer (process-buffer status-icon))
      (setq status-menu-callbacks callbacks))))

(defun status-new ()
  "Create a new status icon and return it."
  (let ((result (start-process "status-icon"
                               (generate-new-buffer-name " *status-icon*")
    (set-process-filter result 'status-process-filter)
    ;; Default to the GNU.
    (process-send-string result "icon: /usr/share/pixmaps/emacs.png\n")
    (process-send-string result "click: click\n")
    (process-kill-without-query result nil)

(defun status-set-click-callback (status-icon function)
  "Set the click callback function.
STATUS-ICON is the status icon.  FUNCTION is the callback function.
It will be called with no arguments when the user clicks on the
status icon."
    (set-buffer (process-buffer status-icon))
    (setq status-click-callback function)))

;; Set the icon, either to a file name or to a stock icon name.
(defun status-set-icon (status-icon file-or-name)
  "Set the image for the status icon.
STATUS-ICON is the status icon object.  FILE-OR-NAME is either a file
name, or it is one of the stock icon names: \"warning\", \"info\",
\"question\", or \"error\"."
  (process-send-string status-icon (concat "icon: " file-or-name "\n")))

(defun status-set-visible (status-icon arg)
  "Make the status icon visible or invisible.
If ARG is nil, make icon invisible.  Otherwise, make it visible"
  (process-send-string status-icon (concat "visible: "
                                           (if arg "true" "false"))))

(defun status-post-message (status-icon text)
  "Post a message by the status icon.
STATUS-ICON is the status icon object.  TEXT is the text to post.
It will appear as a popup near the icon.  TEXT should not contain
any newlines."
  (process-send-string status-icon (concat "message:" text "\n")))

(defun status-set-tooltip (status-icon text)
  "Set the tooltip for the status icon."
  (process-send-string status-icon (concat "tooltip: " text "\n")))

(defun status-delete (status-icon)
  "Destroy the status icon."
  (delete-process status-icon))

(defun status-set-blink (status-icon arg)
  "Enable or disable blinking of the status icon.
If ARG is nil, blinking will be disabled.  Otherwise it will be enabled."
  (process-send-string status-icon (concat "blink: "
                                           (if arg "true" "false")

(defun status-process-filter (status-icon string)
    (set-buffer (process-buffer status-icon))
    (setq status-input-string (concat status-input-string string))
    (let ((index nil))
      ;; FIXME?  uses search from cl.
      (while (setq index (search "\n" status-input-string))
        (let ((cb-name (substring status-input-string 0 index)))
          (setq status-input-string
                (substring status-input-string (+ 1 index)))
          ;; Look for the callback.
          (if (equal cb-name "click")
              (and status-click-callback
                   (funcall status-click-callback))
            (let ((elt (assoc status-click-callback status-menu-callbacks)))
              (and elt (funcall (cdr elt))))))))))

(provide 'status)

;;; status.el ends here

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