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Re: Recoverable File Deletion System

From: Davin Pearson
Subject: Re: Recoverable File Deletion System
Date: 25 May 2007 21:57:16 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

On May 26, 12:19 pm, Richard Stallman <address@hidden> wrote:
>     Yes.  It uses the command "rm -r" to delete directories, so the rm
>     command must exist on your operating system.
> That is ok by me, but if dired-delete-file works, please use that.

Thanks to someone's helpful advice I found out that Emacs can delete
non-empty directories.  The feature is just turned off by default.
Setting dired-recursive-deletes to non-nil makes it work.  Therefore
the "rm" command is no longer needed.   This is good because some
Emacs users might not have the "rm" command in their operating system.

However my system redefines the dired.el function dired-internal-do-
deletions.  I believe it is simpler to redefine this function rather
than dired-delete-file (which you suggested).  I notice that dired-
internal-do-deletions internally calls dired-delete-file.

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