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Re: pabbrev.el

From: Toby Cubitt
Subject: Re: pabbrev.el
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:24:10 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

William Xu wrote:
Toby Cubitt <address@hidden> writes:

Auto-completion-mode is only useful when the function finding the
completions can return results within a few tenths of a second
(i.e. faster than your typing speed). Dabbrev was never designed to be
that fast.

Hm, then this probably shouldn't be the first example on the wiki. Or it
will fear away new users.

Completion-UI is a lisp package for package writers, not users. The examples are there to help package writers learn how to make use of it. The default settings are fairly sensible, with auto-completion-mode off by default. The Wiki is editable: if you think it's misleading, then change it!

The only completion functions I'm aware of that were designed to be fast
enough are those in the predictive-mode and pabbrev packages. Perhaps
this is because auto-completion makes most sense when the completion is

pabbrev is really very fast and impressive ! And its interface is nice,
SPC as normal, TAB for completing/cycling candicates. This way pabbrev
does its best not to interfere normal typing.

In contrast, in predictive-mode, SPC does the completing, which makes it
rather diffcult for blindly typing, i.e., fast typing.

..until your fingers get used to it, at which point typing becomes both faster (since you have to hit less keys) and more accurate (since the dictionaries only contain correct spellings). But these are just the default key bindings. If you don't like them, change them! This is Emacs we're talking about here ;-)

If you don't want to spend any time reading documentation and customization options before you can get the most out of predictive completion, I strongly recommend you use pabbrev. Predictive-mode is an ambitious, complex, highly customizable package that does a lot more than just predictive completion. Pabbrev is simpler, less ambitious, and much easier to use straight away.


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