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IDE Skeleton

From: piotr . karpiuk
Subject: IDE Skeleton
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 11:33:21 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Ide-skel is a skeleton (or framework) of IDE for Emacs users. Like
Eclipse, it can be used as is with some predefined plugins on board,
but is designed to extend by Emacs Lisp programmers to suite their own

Side view windows

Left and right view windows are “speedbars” - they are embedded inside
main Emacs frame and can be open/closed independently. Right view
window summarizes information related to the current editor buffer -
it can present content of such buffer in another way (eg. Imenu tree),
or show an extra panel for buffer major mode operations (see SqlPlus
plugin example). Left view window contains buffers such like buffer
list (yet another way for switching buffers), filesystem/project
browser for easy navigation, or Info documentation browser, or…
whatever you wish.

Side view windows are special - they cannot take focus and we can
operate on it only with mouse (!). Some window operations like delete-
other-windows (C-x 1) are slighty modified to treat side view windows
Bottom view window

Let auxiliary buffers (*shell*, *Messages*, *Help*, *Compilation* and
another buffers with ’*’ in name) pop up/show in bottom window. BUT,
if you want, you can open any buffer in any window (except side
windows) as usual - that’s only nice heuristic, not pressure.

Bottom view window remembers last selected buffer within it, so if you
close this window and open later, it will show you buffer which you

Ide-skel uses (great) tabbar.el package with some modifications:

    * there is no division into major mode groups (like in Eclipse),
    * side view windows, bottom view window and editor windows have
different tabsets,
    * you can scroll tabs with mouse wheel,
    * the Home button in window left corner acts as window menu (you
can add your items to it in your plugin),
    * mouse-3 click on tab kills its buffer


Here, project means a directory tree checked out from CVS or SVN. One
project can contain source files of many types. When we edit any
project file, Emacs can easily find the project root directory simply
by looking at filesystem.

So, we can execute many commands (grep, find, replace) on all project
source files or on all project source files of the same type as file
edited now (see Project menu). Ide-skel package also automatically
configures partial-completion-mode for project edited now.

There is no need to configure options for concrete projects (and
that’s great advantage in my opinion).

See source file for instructions how to create your own plugins.

The only currently known external plugin for ide-skel is SqlPlus

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