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Re: subtitles.el - functions to manipulate an .srt (subripper) file.

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: subtitles.el - functions to manipulate an .srt (subripper) file.
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 15:16:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) XEmacs/21.4.21 (linux)

>>>>> "Ehud" == Ehud Karni <address@hidden> writes:

   > subtitles.el has some functions to manipulate movie subtitle timing in
   > an .srt file (i.e. subripper subtitles).
Hello Ehud,

Thanks that is great. May I suggest to have a mayor mode with
keybindings for srt files?

Uwe Brauer 

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