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htmlize.el 1.38

From: Hrvoje Niksic
Subject: htmlize.el 1.38
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 20:15:27 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

htmlize converts buffer text and the associated decorations to HTML.  It
is typically used to htmlize syntax highlighting created by font-lock
mode, but can be used for any kind of Emacs buffer.

The latest release is 1.38, but the package is now available as a git
repository with a web viewer at:

A detailed description follows, copied from the source code:

;; This package converts the buffer text and the associated
;; decorations to HTML.  Mail to <address@hidden> to discuss
;; features and additions.  All suggestions are more than welcome.

;; To use it, just switch to the buffer you want HTML-ized and type
;; `M-x htmlize-buffer'.  You will be switched to a new buffer that
;; contains the resulting HTML code.  You can edit and inspect this
;; buffer, or you can just save it with C-x C-w.  `M-x htmlize-file'
;; will find a file, fontify it, and save the HTML version in
;; FILE.html, without any additional intervention.  `M-x
;; htmlize-many-files' allows you to htmlize any number of files in
;; the same manner.  `M-x htmlize-many-files-dired' does the same for
;; files marked in a dired buffer.

;; htmlize supports three types of HTML output, selected by setting
;; `htmlize-output-type': `css', `inline-css', and `font'.  In `css'
;; mode, htmlize uses cascading style sheets to specify colors; it
;; generates classes that correspond to Emacs faces and uses <span
;; class=FACE>...</span> to color parts of text.  In this mode, the
;; produced HTML is valid under the 4.01 strict DTD, as confirmed by
;; the W3C validator.  `inline-css' is like `css', except the CSS is
;; put directly in the STYLE attribute of the SPAN element, making it
;; possible to paste the generated HTML to other documents.  In `font'
;; mode, htmlize uses <font color="...">...</font> to colorize HTML,
;; which is not standard-compliant, but works better in older
;; browsers.  `css' mode is the default.

;; You can also use htmlize from your Emacs Lisp code.  When called
;; non-interactively, `htmlize-buffer' and `htmlize-region' will
;; return the resulting HTML buffer, but will not change current
;; buffer or move the point.

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