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From: Bao Haojun
Subject: skeleton-complete.el
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:44:37 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Dear fellow Emacsians,

I'd like you to try my elisp package: skeleton-complete.el, which works
by regexp rewriting and text matching. It is greatly inspired by
hippie-expand and ecomplete.el and anything.el. With it you can type a
minimum and complete with the existing texts in your buffers.

For e.g., I can type =hex= (here the `=' character is for org-mode
mark-up, meaning verbatim) and press =M-g <return>= and get
`hippie-expand'; or I can type =p:,= and press =M-s <return>= to get
=package: skeleton-complete.el,= (which appeared already in the 3rd line
of this article).

In the first case, =hex= is rewritten as a regexp =h.*e.*x= and it
matched the *identifier* =hippie-expand=. In the second case, =p:,= is
rewritten as a regexp of a different flavor: =p.*?:.*?,= and it matched
the *string* in the 3rd line.

The code is at [[]], there
is a more detailed description at
[[]]. And it is also
being discussed at [[]].

Any suggestions/improvements are very welcome!

All the best

 Bao Haojun

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