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Re: easy-kill: drop-in replacement for kill-ring-save

From: Darren Hoo
Subject: Re: easy-kill: drop-in replacement for kill-ring-save
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 12:05:35 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3.50 (darwin)

Leo Liu <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi there,
> Package easy-kill.el provides a more powerful command `easy-kill' for
> key M-w.
> easy-kill tries in order:
> 1. current region if active
> 2. url at point
> 3. email at point
> 4. current line
> Keys (customisable) immediately following M-w:
> 1. w -> word at point
> 2. s -> sexp at point
> 3. f -> file at point
> 4. l -> list at point
> 5. d -> defun at point
> 6. b -> buffer-file-name
> 7. + -> extend current selection
> 8. - -> shrink current selection

some suggestions:

1. when unbound keys being pressed, doing a quit(maybe shown on the echo
area) instead of doing a self-insert? For example, when M-w a is pressed,
just quit easy-kill and not insert 'a'.

2. About extend/shrink, can <up> <down> <left> <right> be bounded too,
these are more intuitive to me than +/-.

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