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[GNU ELPA] Eglot version 1.8

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Eglot version 1.8
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 17:02:36 -0500

Version 1.8 of package Eglot has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x package-list RET.

Eglot describes itself as:
  Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers

More at

Recent NEWS:

# 1.8 (12/1/2022)

##### Multiple servers supported out-of-box for same major mode 

In practice, this removes the need for Eglot to "officially" bless one
server over another.  Thanks to Felicián Németh for the original idea.

##### TRAMP support ([#637][github#637], [#463][github#463], [#84][github#84])

Thanks to Brian Cully for the minimalist approach.

(also thanks to Felipe Lema who conducted many early experiments in

##### `eglot-ignored-server-capabilities` now correctly spelled 

This user-visible variable used to be spelled
`eglot-ignored-server-capabilites`, which is still a valid but
obsolete name.

##### Manage cross-referenced files outside project ([#76][github#76], 
[#686][github#686], [#695][github#695])

This is activated by a new customization option
`eglot-extend-to-xref`, which defaults to nil.

Thanks to Michael Livshin for the investigation an elegant solution.

##### Code action shortcuts ([#411][github#411])

`M-x eglot-code-actions` accepts an optional `action-kind` argument,
specified interactively with `C-u`.  Other shortcuts call specific
actions directly (`eglot-code-action-inline`,
`eglot-code-action-extract`, `eglot-code-action-rewrite`,
`eglot-code-action-organize-imports` and
`eglot-code-action-quickfix`).  One can create own shortcuts for code
actions with specific a kind by calling `eglot-code-actions` from

##### New command `eglot-shutdown-server` ([#643][github#643])

##### New variable `eglot-withhold-process-id` ([#722][github#722])
If non-nil, Eglot will not send the Emacs process id to the language server.
This can be useful when using docker to run a language server.

##### Several new servers have been added to `eglot-server-programs`.
- cmake-language-server ([#787][github#787])
- css-languageserver ([#204][github#204], [#769][github#769])
- fortls ([#603][github#603])
- html-languageserver ([#204][github#204], [#769][github#769])
- json-languageserver ([#204][github#204], [#769][github#769])
- lua-lsp ([#721][github#721])
- mint ls ([#750][github#750])
- pyright ([#742][github#742])
- vim-language-server ([#787][github#787])
- yaml-language-server ([#751][github#751])
- zls ([#646][github#646])

# 1.7 (16/12/2020)

##### Support hierarchical symbols in Imenu ([#303][github#303])

Thanks to Ingo Lohmar for the original implementation.

##### Handle multiple "documentation at point" sources ([#439][github#439], 
[#494][github#494], [#481][github#481], [#454][github#454])

Such sources include as LSP's signature, hover and also the Flymake
diagnostic messages.  They can all be presented in the echo area
(space permitting), or via `C-h .`.  For now, composition of different
sources can be customized using `eldoc-documentation-strategy`,
`eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p` and `eldoc-prefer-doc-buffer`.

The variables `eglot-put-doc-in-help-buffer` and
`eglot-auto-display-help-buffer` have been removed.

# 1.6 (16/04/2020)

##### Column offset calculation is now LSP-conform ([#361][github#361])

It seems the majority of servers now comply with the language server
specification when it comes to handling non-ASCII texts.  Therefore
the default values of `eglot-move-to-column-function` and
`eglot-current-column-function` have been changed.  The documentations
of these variables help to restore the old behavior.

##### Support workspace/configuration requests ([#326][github#326])

Also a new section "Per-project server configuration" in the
should answer some faq's in this regard.

# 1.5 (20/10/2019)

Thanks a lot to Felicián Németh, Ingo Lohmar, and everyone else who
helped out!

##### Take over Company configuration ([#324][github#324])

Similar to what was already the case with Flymake, Eldoc and Xref, use
just the backend that can do something useful in Eglot,
`company-capf`.  See `eglot-stay-out-of` to opt out of this.

##### New option `eglot-autoshutdown` to disconnect after last buffer killed 
([#217][github#217], [#270][github#270])

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