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[NonGNU ELPA] Evil-Numbers version 0.7

From: ELPA update
Subject: [NonGNU ELPA] Evil-Numbers version 0.7
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:06:03 -0400

Version 0.7 of package Evil-Numbers has just been released in NonGNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x package-list RET.

Evil-Numbers describes itself as:
  Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM

More at

Recent NEWS:

                         EVIL NUMBERS CHANGELOG

Table of Contents

1. 0.7
.. 1. Additions
.. 2. Changes
.. 3. Fixes
2. 0.6
.. 1. Additions
.. 2. Fixes
3. 0.5
.. 1. Additions
.. 2. Fixes

1 0.7

1.1 Additions

  ⁃ `evil-numbers-use-cursor-at-end-of-number' option to match numbers
    directly before the cursor (diverging from VIM's default behavior).

1.2 Changes

  ⁃ Use `message' instead of `error' when no number is found (don't
    error since VIM doesn't use an error in this case).

1.3 Fixes

  ⁃ Fix #27 Number directly before the cursor manipulated when the
    cursor can't move forward.

2 0.6

2.1 Additions

  ⁃ Add `evil-numbers-separator-chars' option to support separator
    characters, such as `16_777_216' or `4,294,967,296'.
  ⁃ Add `evil-numbers-case' option for the case to use for hexadecimal
    values (defaults to the current case).

2.2 Fixes

  ⁃ Fix #25 increment steps to the next line.
  ⁃ Fix #24 hexadecimal values case changes when
  ⁃ Fix padding being ignored with block selection.
  ⁃ Fix #21 increment w/ selection ignores items before the cursor.
  ⁃ Fix padded argument is ignored on non-decimal types.
  ⁃ Fix #20 The cursor moves when increment/decrement fails.
  ⁃ Fix #18 operating on bin/hex/octal failed w/ the cursor at the
  ⁃ Fix #17 bin/octal/hex numbers don't support becoming negative.
  ⁃ Fix hyphen-separated numbers handling.
  ⁃ Fix auto-loading evil macros.

3 0.5

3.1 Additions

  ⁃ Make padding optional.
  ⁃ Add support for block selections.
  ⁃ Add support for subscript and superscript numbers.
  ⁃ Add g C-a like functionality (i.e. increment first number in
    selection by 1, second one by 2 and so on).
  ⁃ Pad negative numbers and add a plus sign if a negative number is
    turned into a positive number (if padding is enabled).

3.2 Fixes

  ⁃ Fix numbers being pushed out of selections.

    (e.g. calling inc-at-pt on `^9 9$' where `^$' denote the start and
    end of the selection would result in `10 9').

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