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[GNU ELPA] Ef-Themes version 0.8.0

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Ef-Themes version 0.8.0
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 05:03:20 -0400

Version 0.8.0 of package Ef-Themes has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Ef-Themes describes itself as:
  Colorful and legible themes

More at

Recent NEWS:

                      CHANGE LOG OF THE EF THEMES

This document contains the release notes for each tagged commit on the
project's main git repository:

The newest release is at the top.  For further details, please consult
the manual: <>.

Version 0.8.0 on 2022-10-17

Introduced themes for tritanopia

  The `ef-tritanopia-dark' and `ef-tritanopia-light' are optimised to
  use red and cyan hues consistently throughout all interfaces.  This
  means that users with blue-yellow colour deficiency or blindness are
  empowered to use Emacs without compromising on usability.

  Read the announcement:

  These two themes complement what I already provide for users with
  red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia): `ef-deuteranopia-dark',
  `ef-deuteranopia-light'.  Together with the rest of the set (and my
  `modus-themes'), they cover a broad spectrum of preferences and needs
  for legibility.

  The deuteranopia or tritanopia themes can be used by anyone, simply on
  the basis of their aesthetics: they look fine and work well (when I
  develop a theme, I use it full-time).

  Pictures of all `ef-themes':

Bespoke colours for underlines

  Each theme has a new subset of colours which are optimised for
  colour-coded underlines.  Think about spell checking and code linting.
  These colours are specific to each theme's requirements so that, for
  example, deueteranopia does not use red and green, while tritanopia
  does not rely on yellow and blue.

Support for new packages or face groups

  ⁃ corfu
  ⁃ hi-lock (`M-x highlight-regexp')
  ⁃ flymake
  ⁃ flyspell
  ⁃ neotree

Tweaks to already supported faces

  ⁃ The tagging operations of `notmuch' which underline added tags and
    strike through deleted ones, now use the new colours for underlines.
    The effect is small, but still constitutes an improvement.

  ⁃ The background colour of the `company' popup is a bit lighter than
    before.  This helps the foreground colours be easier to discern.  It
    also makes it look consistent with `corfu'.

Use our communication channels

  This is not a "change log" per se, but it is worth mentioning.  A few
  days ago I was informed of a post on Reddit asking something related
  to my themes.  Please understand that I cannot go around the Internet
  hoping to provide tech support.  Each project of mine has a mailing
  list and two (!) mirrors on GitHub and GitLab.  All are actively
  maintained and supported.  In addition, you are always welcome to
  email me directly.  I reply in a timely fashion and in full (check the
  mailing lists and issue trackers, if you have any doubt).  What I will
  not do is go searching for you on random websites.

Version 0.7.0 on 2022-10-08

Introduced the `ef-bio' and `ef-frost' themes

  These two new themes bring the total count to 16.

  ⁃ `ef-bio' is a dark theme with green, teal, blue, and purple colours.
    Read the announcement, which also includes screen shots:

  ⁃ `ef-frost' is a light theme with blue, cyan, teal, and purple
    colours.  Check the announcement on my website (with screenshots):
  …  …

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