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[GNU ELPA] Midi-Kbd version 0.2

From: ELPA update
Subject: [GNU ELPA] Midi-Kbd version 0.2
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:38:12 -0400

Version 0.2 of package Midi-Kbd has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.

Midi-Kbd describes itself as:

  Create keyboard events from Midi input

More at

## Summary:

  Entry point of this package is M-x midikbd-open RET

  It opens a raw ALSA midi device (see its documentation for how to
  deal with non-raw devices) and feeds MIDI note-on and note-off
  events into the Emacs input queue associated with the terminal from
  which midikbd-open has been called.  Macro recording and replay is
  possible.  The interpretation of such events is left to
  applications establishing appropriate key bindings.

  Since macro recording and replay makes it very desirable to have
  every generated event be interpretable standalone rather than split
  into several Emacs events, every MIDI event is encoded into one
  mouse-like event similar to <Ch1 C_4>.  Consequently, the following
  functions are applicable to such events:

## Recent NEWS:

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