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Re: [GNU-linux-libre] extensions

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [GNU-linux-libre] extensions
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 21:32:18 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100402)

John Sullivan schreef:
Hi Sam,

Sam Geeraerts <address@hidden> writes:


The FSF has announced that they'll be making a list of free software
only extensions for [1]. This means that our version(s)
of it should point to that location by default (from Tools ->
Extension Manager -> Get more extensions here...). Does anyone have a
patch for this yet?

The FSF asks to email the Community Council. I'm going to do that
today and I'm going to include a request for a patch, but I doubt that
we'll get anything from that.

Thanks for writing to them (and to this list -- it was on my todo to
write this list to start discussion about next steps for this issue).

Cor Nouws' answer confirmed what was said in the FSF announcement, although he does say their list is going to have a "view" (based on the tagging system, I presume) with free-only extensions. Not exactly what we're looking for, but maybe it'll make cooperation with them easier and help in creating the FSF list.

(CC'ing OOo list because of relevance and to kick off discussion.)

There's just one file that would need to be patched, and that file and
the change that needs to be made are in the instructions on the wiki for
using the list.

Is that what you mean?

Oops, I missed the instructions. I'm sure those can put us on our way to patch the source. Thanks.

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