# # Hosts that can do lookups with the GNATS daemon. # # Any line which begins with a `#' is considered a comment, and GNATS # will ignore it. # # Each entry has the format: # # host:access-level:whatever # # * host: the hostname or IP address of the user contacting gnatsd. # Wildcard characters are supported: # "*" matches anything; "?" matches any single character # * access-level: (default = edit) # deny - gnatsd closes the connection # none - no further access until userid and password given # view - query and view PRs with Confidential=no only # viewconf - query and view PRs with Confidential=yes # edit - full edit access # admin - full admin access (not currently used) # This is just the default access level for the user's host. Normally, # this will get overridden (increased) with the USER command. See the # gnatsd.access file. # # We currently don't make use of the third field. Ideas include # listing the categories, the PRs matching a given submitter-id, and # the PRs of a certain category to a particular site. # #192.168.*:view: #software.free.com:edit: #gnats:edit:* # setting done by us is as follows** gnats:admin:*