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Re: Is this circumvention of the GPL?

From: James Michael DuPont
Subject: Re: Is this circumvention of the GPL?
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 11:33:14 -0700 (PDT)

I am sorry about my bad explainations and quoting,
I will try harder to make myself clear.
The debian distribution has the uglified code 1.3 as
part of the distribution because it was shown that
could be extracted out with lots of work.
The package is located in the unstable branch of
Here is a link :

Following is an example of the GPLd codes.
first the header from the uglified version of step1.c
from that distro. It states that the code is uglified.
Following that is an example function.
/* SCCS-info %W% %E% */
/*              VCG : Visualization of Compiler Graphs
/*              --------------------------------------
/*   file:         This file is uglified by UGLIFIER V
1.0            */
/*   version:      1.00.00                            
/*   author:       I. Lemke  (...-Version 0.99.99)    
/*                 G. Sander (Version 1.00.00-...)    
/*                 Universitaet des Saarlandes, 66041
Saarbruecken    */
/*                 ESPRIT Project #5399 Compare       

 *   Copyright (C) 1993--1995 by Georg Sander, Iris
Lemke, and
 *                               the Compare
 *  This program and documentation is free software;
you can redistribute
 *  it under the terms of the  GNU General Public
License as published by
 *  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 2 
of the License,  or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This  program  is  distributed  in  the hope that
it will be useful,
 *  but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without  even  the 
implied  warranty of
PURPOSE.  See  the
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You  should  have  received a copy of the GNU
General Public License
 *  along  with  this  program;  if  not,  write  to 
the  Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
02139, USA.
 *  The software is available per anonymous ftp at
 *  Contact  for additional

void step1_main()
{ int i; start_time(); ; assert((dummylist==NULL));
prepare_back_edges(); /*;void step1_main()
{;*/ gs_ide35 (); insert_anchor_edges(); gs_ide29 ();
gs_ide27 (); if (layout_flag==3) gs_ide46 ();
dges();;*/ else if (layout_flag==0) gs_ide37 (); else
gs_ide33 (); if (edge_label_phase == 1) gs_ide2 ();
gs_ide29 ();;*/ if (fine_tune_layout==1) gs_ide52 ();
if (maxdepth+2 > gs_ide42 ) { if (layer) free(layer);
/*;g==3) gs_ide46 ();
=0) gs_ide37 ();;*/ layer = (DEPTH
*)malloc((maxdepth+2)*sizeof(struct depth_entry)); if
(!layer) Fatal_error("memory exhausted",""); /*;else
gs_ide33 ();
e_label_phase == 1) gs_ide2 ();;*/ gs_ide42 =
#ifdef DEBUG
PRINTF("Maxdepth of this layout: %d \n",maxdepth);
PRINTF("Sizeof table `layer': %ld Bytes\n", /*;de42 )
if (layer) free(layer);;*/ (maxdepth+2)*sizeof(struct
} for (i=0; i<maxdepth+2; i++) { (( layer[i] ).anz)
/*;;;*/ = 0; (( layer[i] ).predlist) /*;
out: %d zn ,maxdepth);;*/ = NULL; (( layer[i]
).succlist) /*;yteszn ,;
*/ = NULL; (( layer[i] ).resort_necessary)
/*;axdepth+2)*sizeof(struct depth_entry));
;*/ = 1; } gs_ide13 (); gs_ide32 (); gs_ide31 (); if
(layout_flag == TREE_LAYOUT) { /*;/SC;yy+NT = NULL;
R/SC;yy+NT = 1;;*/ stop_time("step1_main");
layout_flag = tree_main(); if (layout_flag !=
TREE_LAYOUT) { /*;3 ();
gs_ide32 ();;*/   FPRINTF(stderr,"\nThis is not a
downward tree. "); FPRINTF(stderr,"Continuing with
normal layout\n"); /*;1 ();
g == TR++_LAY;UT) {;*/ } } calc_number_reversions();
if (layout_flag != TREE_LAYOUT) { gs_ide11 (); /*;,
znThis is not a downward tree.  );
nuing with normal layoutzn );;*/
stop_time("step1_main"); } } static GNODE gs_ide44 ;
static GNODE gs_ide45 ; /*;g != TR++_LAY;UT) {
gs_ide11 ();;*/ 
#ifdef ANSI_C
static void gs_ide30 (GNODE node)
static void gs_ide30 (node) GNODE node;
{ GNODE h,*hp; assert((node)); ; if ((( node )->next)
/*;static void gs_ide30 (node);
*/ ) (( (( node )->next) /*;static void gs_ide30
(node);*/ )->before) /*;
static void gs_ide30 (node);*/ = (( node )->before)
/*;static void gs_ide30 (node);
*/ ; else nodelistend = (( node )->before) /*;ode;;*/
; if ((( node )->before) /*;
{;*/ ) (( (( node )->before) /*;{;*/ )->next) /*;{;*/
= (( node )->next) /*;
{;*/ ; else nodelist = (( node )->next) /*;,*hp;;*/ ;
h = gs_ide44 ; /*;;
node )->next) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ) (( (( nod;*/  hp =
&gs_ide44 ; while (h) { if ((( h )->refnum) /*;nd = ((
node )->before) /+;
R/SC;yy+NT ;;*/ >=(( node )->refnum) /*;nd = (( node
)->before) /+;R/SC;
yy+NT ;;*/ ) break; hp = &((( h )->next) /*;)
/+;R/SC;yy+NT ) (( (( node )->before);
*/ ); h = (( h )->next) /*;ext) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ;;*/ ; }
*hp = node; if (h) (( node )->before) /*;
while (h) {;*/ = (( h )->before) /*;while (h) {;*/ ;
else (( node )->before) /*;
h )->refnum) /+;R/SC;yy+NT >=(( node )-;*/ = gs_ide45
;  (( node )->next) /*;
>next) /+;R/SC;yy+NT );;*/ = h; if (h) (( h )->before)
/*;R/SC;yy+NT ;
;*/ = node; else gs_ide45 = node; } static GNODE
gs_ide21 ; static GNODE gs_ide22 ; /*;e) /+;R/SC;yy+NT
= gs_ide45 ; 
NT = h;;*/ 
#ifdef ANSI_C
static void gs_ide28 (GNODE node)
static void gs_ide28 (node) GNODE node;
{ GNODE h,*hp; assert((node)); ; if ((( node )->next)
/*;static void gs_ide28 (node);
*/ ) (( (( node )->next) /*;static void gs_ide28
(node);*/ )->before) /*;
static void gs_ide28 (node);*/ = (( node )->before)
/*;static void gs_ide28 (node);
*/ ; else nodelistend = (( node )->before) /*;ode;;*/
; if ((( node )->before) /*;
{;*/ ) (( (( node )->before) /*;{;*/ )->next) /*;{;*/
= (( node )->next) /*;
{;*/ ; else nodelist = (( node )->next) /*;,*hp;;*/ ;
h = gs_ide21 ; /*;;
node )->next) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ) (( (( nod;*/  hp =
&gs_ide21 ; while (h) { if ((( h )->refnum) /*;nd = ((
node )->before) /+;
R/SC;yy+NT ;;*/ >=(( node )->refnum) /*;nd = (( node
)->before) /+;R/SC;
yy+NT ;;*/ ) break; hp = &((( h )->next) /*;)
/+;R/SC;yy+NT ) (( (( node )->before);
*/ ); h = (( h )->next) /*;ext) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ;;*/ ; }
*hp = node; if (h) (( node )->before) /*;
while (h) {;*/ = (( h )->before) /*;while (h) {;*/ ;
else (( node )->before) /*;
h )->refnum) /+;R/SC;yy+NT >=(( node )-;*/ = gs_ide22
;  (( node )->next) /*;
>next) /+;R/SC;yy+NT );;*/ = h; if (h) (( h )->before)
/*;R/SC;yy+NT ;
;*/ = node; else gs_ide22 = node; }
#ifdef ANSI_C
static void gs_ide35 (void)
static void gs_ide35 ()
{ GNODE node,nxt_node; ; gs_ide44 = NULL; gs_ide45 =
NULL; gs_ide21 = NULL; /*;_ide35 ()
{;*/ gs_ide22 = NULL; node = nodelist; while (node) {
nxt_node = (( node )->next) /*;
4 = NULL;;*/ ; if (!(( node )->pred) /*;L;;*/ )
gs_ide30 (node); else if (!(( node )->succ) /*;
gs_ide21 = NULL;;*/ ) gs_ide28 (node); node =
nxt_node; } if (gs_ide44 ) { /*;while (node) {
e = (( node )->next) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ;;*/ if (nodelist)
(( nodelist )->before) /*;e = (( node )->next)
yy+NT ;;*/ = gs_ide45 ; (( gs_ide45 )->next)
/*;->pred) /+;R/SC;yy+NT ) gs_ide30 (node);
*/ = nodelist; nodelist = gs_ide44 ; if (!nodelistend)
nodelistend = gs_ide45 ; /*;node = nxt_node;
};*/ } if (gs_ide21 ) { if (nodelistend) ((
nodelistend )->next) /*;(( nodelist )->before) /+;
R/SC;yy+NT = ;*/ = gs_ide21 ; (( gs_ide21 )->before)
/*;/+;R/SC;yy+NT = nodelist;
;*/ = nodelistend; nodelistend = gs_ide22 ; if
(!nodelist) nodelist = gs_ide21 ; /*;delistend)
nodelistend = gs_ide45 ;
};*/ } } 
#ifdef ANSI_C

James Michael DuPont

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