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GPL traitor !

From: Rjack
Subject: GPL traitor !
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:38:10 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Matt Assay of C-Net fame and one of cyberworld's *biggest* supporters
of the GPL is bailing out like he's Arlen Specter's campaign manager:
"I have spent years advocating the GNU General Public License as the
optimal open-source license for commercial open source. Roughly nine
years after I first became a fan of the GPL, I think I've been wrong.

My admiration for the GPL mostly stemmed from its ability to mimic,
but then invert, proprietary licensing. The GPL is like opening a
cannister of radioactive waste: while your competitors can touch it,
you're dead certain that they won't."

He. He.

Rjack :)

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