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Re: stanza numbers and incipits

From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: Re: stanza numbers and incipits
Date: 20 Jun 2001 17:30:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090003 (Oort Gnus v0.03) Emacs/20.7

Laura Conrad <address@hidden> writes:

> I'm having trouble getting the stanza numbers to print the way I want
> them with the incipits.  I can get the numbers before the incipit, but
> then there's a long break between the number and the start of the
> lyrics to which it applies.

Ok, I see what you mean:

   1.                                       Foo ..
                                            foo ..
   2.                                       Bar ..

> If I put the stanza property statement
> after the "lyrics" for the incipit, the stanza numbers don't print at
> all (see attached file).

The best I can come up with is, see below.  But this would actually
need some hacking to get right.

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\header {
        composer = "John Dowland"
        crossRefNumber = "1"
        footnotes = "\\\\Original clef, C on first line"
        origin = "From The First Booke of songs or Ayres of foure parts, with 
Tableture for the Lute"
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.3 -- automatically converted from ABC"
        title = "X. Thinkst thou then by thy fayning\\\\Cantus"
% incipit for
% written by on Wed Jun 20 09:42:54 EDT 2001
originalclef=\notes{\clef "mensural2_c1"}
firstnote=\notes{  a'8    }
range=\notes{<d'4 d''4>}
modernclef=\notes{\clef "treble"}
keysignature=\notes{\key g \dorian }
timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4  }
incipitwords=\lyrics{ _ _ }
%incipit template /home/lconrad/ 
incipit = \notes {
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural
    \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old
\bar "|"
% now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t
\property Staff.fontSize \unset
\property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent
\bar "|."
\context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) 
#'full-size-change = ##t
\property Staff.forceClef = ##t

%end incipit

wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \override #'visibility-lambda = 
\property LyricsVoice . stz = "1."
\property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \revert #'visibility-lambda
\property LyricsVoice . stz = ""
thou then by thy fayn- ing sleepe  
with a proud  _  dis-  _  day-    ning,  To drive me from thy sight,   
when sleepe yeelds more de-  light,   such harm-  less beau-  tie gra-  cing.  
wordsdefaultVB = \lyrics  {
Or with thy craf-  ty clos-  ing Thy cru-  el eyes  _  re-  _  pos-  ing,  
And while sleepe fayn-  ed is,   may not I steale a kisse,  
Thy qui-  et armes em-  bra-  cing.  
wordsdefaultVC = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "2."
 O that my sleepe dis- sem- bled, were  
to a trance  _   re-  _  sem-  bled,  Then should my love re-  quire  
Thy loves un-  kind de-  spite,  While fu-  ry tri-  umpht bold-  ly  
wordsdefaultVD = \lyrics  {
Thy cru-  ell eyes de-  cei-  ving, Of live-  ly sense  _  be-  _  reav-  ing:  
In beau-  ties sweet dis-  grace:  And livd in sweet em-  brace  
Of her that lov'd so cold-  ly.  
wordsdefaultVE = \lyrics  {
\property LyricsVoice . stanza = "3."
Should then my love as- pir- ing, For-  
bid-  den joyes  _  de-  _  sir-  ing,  No, Love seeke not thy blisse,  
Be-  yond a sim-  ple kisse:  For such de-  ceits are harme-  lesse,  
wordsdefaultVF = \lyrics  {
So farre ex-  ceed the due-  ty That ver-  tue owes  _  to _  beau-  tie?  
Yet kisse a thou-  sand fold.  For kis-  ses may be bold  
When love-  ly sleep is arme-  lesse.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"

\property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
 \time 4/4 % %MIDI nobarlines
 \key g \dorian     \repeat volta 2 {   bes'4    bes'8    bes'8    bes'4    a'4 
   \bar "|"   g'2    fis'4    g'4    \bar "|"     a'8    bes'8    c''4.    
bes'8    g'8    a'8    bes'2    a'4    }     \repeat volta 2 {   d''4    c''4   
 d''4    bes'4.    bes'8    \bar "|"   a'4      d'4    e'4    f'4    \bar "|"   
g'4.    g'8    fis'4      g'4    a'8    bes'8    c''2    bes'4    \bar "|"   
a'2    g'4    }   
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"
        {   \incipit

        \context Lyrics="default" 
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-1"      
          { \wordsdefaultVA }
          { \wordsdefaultVB }
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-2"      
          { \wordsdefaultVC }
          { \wordsdefaultVD }
        \context LyricsVoice = "default-3"      
          { \wordsdefaultVE }
          { \wordsdefaultVF }

        \paper {
\consists Custos_engraver
        \midi {}

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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