#(set! point-and-click line-location) #(set! point-and-click line-location) \header { composer = "Thomas Morley" crossRefNumber = "1" footnotes = "\\\\original clef: F on third line" origin = "Canzonets, or Little Short songs to three voyces, " tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.0 -- automatically converted from ABC" title = "XIIII. Lady if I through grief\\\\Bassus" } % incipit for bassus.abc % written by writeincipit.sh on Tue Jun 5 08:47:56 EDT 2001 %originalclef=\notes{\clef "varbaritone"} firstnote=\notes{ r\breve d''8 } range=\notes{} modernclef=\notes{\clef "bass"} keysignature=\notes{\key g \dorian } timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4 } %incipit template /home/lconrad/incipit.ly incipit = \notes { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural %\originalclef \property Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs-mensural2_f" \property Staff.clefPosition = #0 % \property Staff.clefOctavation = extra transposition of clefname \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old \keysignature \timesignature \firstnote \bar "|" % now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \modernclef \keysignature \property Staff.fontSize = #-1 \property Voice.fontSize = #-1 \property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t \range \property Staff.fontSize = #0 \property Voice.fontSize = #0 \property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##f \bar "|." \context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change = ##t \property Staff.forceClef = ##t \modernclef } %end incipit wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics { _ _ La- dy if I through griefe, through griefe and your dis- dayn- ing; judg'd be to live in hel e- ter- nal- ly re- main- ing, ad- judg- ed be "(a-" las) to live in hell, to live in hell, e- ter- nal- ly re- main- ing: Of those my burn- ing flames, my burn- ing flames, of those my burn- ing flames, well shall I rest con- tent, well shall I rest con- tent, con - tent- ed: O but you I grieve and wayle, O but you I wayle I wayle, who ther must be tor - ment- ed: For when I shall be hould you, for when I shal be hould you, your eyes a- lone, a- lone your eyes, will so de- light me, your eyes a- lone, a- lone your eyes your eyes will so de- light mee, de- light mee, your eyes a- lone a- lone your eyes, La- dy, your eyes a- lone a- lone your eyes will so de- light me, that once I know no paine can af- fright me; But this "(a-" las) o would _ _ _ _ have kild _ _ _ _ me I, I, do not doubt you; ther to have ben a- lone with out you, with out you, But this "(a-" las) o would _ _ _ _ have kild _ _ _ _ mee I, I, doe not doubt you; ther to have ben a- lone with out you, with out you. } voicedefault = \notes { \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( Left_edge_item Span_bar Breathing_sign Staff_bar Clef_item Key_item time_signature ) \property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \incipit % %gchordfont Helvetica 12 box % %MIDI nobarlines \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \time 4/4 \key g \dorian \clef bass % %MIDI transpose -24 % 1 r\longa d4 d8 e8 f4 d4 c2 c2 f4 d4 f4 g4 % 2 a2 d2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf A" d'4 d'8 c'8 bes4 d'4 c'4 c'4 f4 f4 g4 d4 a2 d2 r4 bes,4 bes,8 c8 d8 e8 % 3 f8 g8 a8 bes8 c'4 a4 c'4 c'4 f4 f4 g4 g4 a4 bes4 a2 d4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf B" d'4 d'4 d'4 % 4 a4. bes8 c'4 c'4 g4. a8 bes4 bes4 f4. g8 a4. bes8 c'4 c'4 % 5 g8 f8 g8 a8 bes4 bes4 f8 g8 a8 bes8 c'4 c2 d4 a2 a2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf C" bes1. a2 g1 f1 % 6 g1 a1 d2 d'1 c'2 bes2 g2 bes2 a2 g2 g2 d2 f2 e1 d2 c2 % 7 bes,1 a,2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf D" r4 a4 a4. a8 f4 f4 bes2 g2 f4 f4. f8 c2 d4 a2 % 8 d4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf E" d'4 d'4 d'4 c'8 bes8 a8 bes8 c'4 c'4 bes4 g4 bes2 f4 a4 a4 a4 % 1r g8 f8 e8 f8 g4 g4 d4 f4 f4 f4 c2 c4 c4 d1 a,4 a4 % 2r a4 a4 bes8 a8 g8 a8 bes4 g4 f4 f4 f4 f4 c'8 a8 c'8 d'8 c'4 d'4 % 3r a2 a2 d1 a4 f4 f8 g8 a8 bes8 c'2 bes4 bes4 a1 d1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf F" bes4 bes8 bes8 % 4r a2 g2 f8 g8 a8 bes8 c'4 c4 d8 e8 f8 g8 a4 f4 c'4 a4 g4 a4 bes2 a4 a4. e8 f4 % 5r e4 d4 cis4 d4 a,1 a,1 a,1 a,1 d1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf G" bes4 bes8 bes8 a2 g2 f8 g8 a8 bes8 c'4 c4 % 6r d8 e8 f8 g8 a4 f4 c'4 a4 g4 a4 bes2 a4 a4. e8 f4 e4 d4 cis!4 d4 % 7r a,1 a,1 a,1 a,1 d1 ^\fermata \bar "|." }\score{ \notes < \addlyrics \context Staff="default" { \voicedefault } \context Lyrics="default" < { \wordsdefaultVA } > > \paper { \translator{ \StaffContext \consists Custos_engraver } } \midi {} }